Page 14 - New England Condominium September 2020
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14 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -SEPTEMBER 2020    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  MARCUS  ERRICO  EMMER   &  BROOKS,   P.C.  Representing Over 4,000 Condominium   Associations... One Association at a Time  45 Braintree Hill Park, Suite 107  Braintree, MA 02184  (781) 843-5000/Braintree  (508) 791-2120/Worcester  (401) 351-2221/Rhode Island |  MEEB_NEC_June14.qxp:Layout 1  5/19/14  12  Flynn Law Group  185 Devonshire St., Suite 401 • Boston, MA 02110  617-988-0633  “Quality Representation at Reasonable Rates - $150/Hr.”  Contact Attorney Frank Flynn  ATTORNEYS  See Our Display Ad on Page 14  Condominium and Real Estate Law  Phone: (781) 817-4900    Direct: (781) 817-4603  Fax:     (781) 817-4910  We may be dressed up, but we aren’t afraid to   get our hands dirty.  See Our Display Ad on Page 11  Merrill & McGeary  100 State Street, Suite 200  Boston, MA 02109  617-523-1760 • Fax 617-523-4893  Contact: Mike Merrill, Esq.  ACCOUNTANTS  David A. Levy, CPA, P.C.    Certified Public Accountants  20 Freeman Place  Needham, MA  02492  Tel:  (617) 566-3645       (866) 842-0108  Fax:  (866) 681-2377    DAL  CPA  185 Devonshire Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02110  Quality Representation at Reasonable Rates.  (617) 988-0633  Contact Attorney Frank Flynn:  FRANK@FLYNNLAW-NE.COM  Flynn_E4C.qxp:Layout 1  12/8/14  2:30 PM  Page 1  ing.   As a remedial action, Abbot power-  washed all of the brick to remove the   debonded coating, repointed the brick ma-  sonry where necessary, replaced over 5,000   deteriorated bricks in various locations to   match the original size and shape, and re-  coated the walls with a high-quality water-  proof elastomeric coating.  Boston on List of Relocation Searches  A record 27.0% of home searchers looked   to move to another metro area this spring,   according to a report by real estate broker-  age Redfin. The spring numbers represented   a new high in the share of users   searching for homes outside their area—up   from 25.2% in the second quarter of 2019   and 26.0% in the first quarter of this year.  The migration analysis is based on a sam-  ple of more than 1 million us-  ers who searched for homes across 87 metro   areas in April and May, excluding searches   unlikely to precede an actual relocation or   home purchase. To be included in this da-  taset, a user must have viewed   at least 10 homes in a particular metro area,   and homes in that area must make up at least   80% of the user’s searches.  According to, Boston ranked   eighth on the “top 10” list of metro areas   whose residents are eyeing migration, with a   net outflow of 2,635 or 11.8%. The top desti-  nation for Boston movers: Portland, Maine.    New York (35.7%), San Francisco (22.2%)   and Los Angeles (15.7%) led the net outflow   list.  “While there has been a huge increase   in the number of people looking online at   homes in small towns, the long-term impact   of the pandemic on people actually mov-  ing from one part of the country to another   remains to be seen,” said Redfin economist   Taylor Marr. “People are starting to take the   plunge and move away from big, expensive   cities, though most of them were probably   already considering a lifestyle change. The   pandemic and the work-from-home op-  portunities that come with it is accelerat-  ing migration patterns that were already in   place toward relatively affordable parts of   the country. But for many people, the lure   of large homes in wide open spaces will be   a passing dream fueled by coronavirus-in-  duced isolation.”  Mass. Condo Sales Increase, Prices Drop  The Massachusetts Association of Real-  tors® (MAR) reported an increase in closed   sales of single-family homes and condomin-  ium sales in June, compared to the previous   month. In a press release, the MAR noted   that new listings were down 6.7% for single-  family homes but were up 9.9% for condo-  minium properties compared to June 2019.   Closed sales decreased 22.0% for single-  family homes and 28.9% for condominium   properties from this time last year. The MAR   reported 1,657 condo sales in June 2020.  The  median sales  price was  up  4.1%  to   $458,000 for single-family homes and down   7.0% to $399,950 for condominium prop-  erties. Homes for sale decreased 51.0% for   single-family units and 28.8% for condo-  minium units compared to June 2019.  “We continue to experience low pro-  duction of new housing inventory across   the state and now, with the delay of listings   entering the market due to COVID-19, the   lack of available homes is compounded,” said   Kurt Thompson, president of MAR. “Many   sellers now listing their homes are pleasantly   discovering that the market is very active   with well qualified buyers. As  a result,  we   anticipate a very energized summer selling   season.”         Industry News  CAI Awards 10,000th AMS Designation  The Community Associations Institute   (CAI), based in Falls Church, Virginia, an-  nounced in August that it has awarded its   10,000th Association Management Specialist   (AMS) designation. Amy Nonaka, CMCA,   AMS,  of  Action  Property  Management  in   San Diego, California was the recipient of   this milestone designation.  In a press release, CAI said, “The AMS   designation is a highly regarded credential   earned by community association managers   to demonstrate a greater level of commit-  ment, knowledge, and expertise in their pro-  fession—working to support the millions of   residents living in condominium communi-  ties, homeowners associations, and housing   cooperatives worldwide.”  According to CAI, a community asso-  ciation manager provides professional guid-  ance and assistance to a community associa-  tion’s board of directors using their financial,   administrative, and facilities management   experience. The AMS designation provides   managers a hands-on approach to property   maintenance, best practices for developing,   managing, and balancing budgets, prepar-  ing contractor proposals, and understand-  ing a community association’s reserve study.  Candidates who want to earn the AMS   designation must have two years of experi-  ence  in  financial,  administration,  and  fa-  cilities management at a community asso-  ciation, successfully complete at least two of   CAI’s M-200 level courses, and successfully   earn the Certified Manager of Community   Associations (CMCA) credential admin-  istrated by the Community Association   Managers International Certification Board   (CAMICB). More information about CAI   and the AMS designation can be found at   New Reopening Guide Released  As COVID-19 accelerates disruptions   for condominiums and homeowners asso-  ciations, the Community Associations In-  stitute (CAI) has released “Status Check: A   Reopening Guide for Community Associa-  tions,” to aid and support communities nav-  igating the closure and reopening of pools,   gyms, playgrounds, and other common ar-  eas, amenities, and business operations.   According to CAI, as states began to lift   stay-at-home orders, community associa-  tions have been challenged with questions   surrounding how and whether to reopen fa-  cilities, and how to effectively phase in busi-  ness operations. The common areas, ameni-  ties, and operations guidelines are organized   by risk level or reopening phase, which are   unique to each state, county, or city. In gen-  eral, the high-risk category would apply   to the shutdown and stay-at-home phase,   moderate-risk to reopening phase one, low-  risk to phase two, and normal to phase three.  The new guide is available for homeown-  ers, community managers, and business   partners online as part of CAI’s interactive   Coronavirus Resource Page and offers each   individual community the opportunity to   modify templates that fit the needs specific    to that community. Other resources include:  • A sample letter template to update resi-  dents about common areas and amenities  • Common area signage templates  • Guidelines for community association   common areas, amenities, and operations  For more information about the impact   of COVID-19 on community associations,   visit                                  n  Please submit Pulse items to  Pat Gale at  PULSE  continued from page 13  Accounting • Auditing • Taxes • Consulting  Worcester 67 Millbrook Street   508-797-5200  Grafton  80 Worcester Street  508-839-0020  Holden  795 Main Street   508-829-5544  M Love Associates,  &  LLC  Certified Public Accountants  Serving Condominium Associations  mlove 2.25 x 2.5 condo association color 9.19.2017.indd   1  9/19/17   12:59 PM

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