Page 8 - New England Condominium January 2021
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8 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -JANUARY 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  Building EnvelopeYour  Restoration Specialists  Since 1981,   Alpha Weatherproofing Corp.   has served  building owners and property managers throughout  New England with comprehensive weatherproofing  and building envelope restoration services.   AFTER  BEFORE  •    Concrete Restoration   •    Façade Inspection & Repair   Specialty Coatings  •    Masonry Restoration  •    Sealant Removal &     Replacement  •    Parking Garage Repair     & Traffic Coatings  •    Historic Restoration  •    •    Waterproofing Systems  •    Roofing & Roof     Maintenance  •    Structural Repairs  •    Emergency Repairs  617-628-8888  •  Request a free consultation  •  View projects  •  Sign up for our e-newsletter  Unlike the Massachusetts moratorium,   which flatly prohibited all eviction-related   actions and procedures, the CDC order al-  lows landlords and property managers to   issue notices to quit and non-renewal no-  tices and serve execution orders to remove   tenants from the premises for all evictions.   It is important to note: The tenant affidavit   applies only to evictions for non-payment   of rent; it does not apply to and cannot be   used to block evictions for other causes.  The CDC order also rips open the court-  house doors the Massachusetts moratori-  um had closed. As a result, Massachusetts   courts are now accepting summary process   summons and complaints for all evictions,   following procedures detailed in “Housing   Court Standing Orders” the Massachusetts   Judiciary issued recently.  These orders represent “an effort to ac-  commodate  the  significant  influx  of  sum-  mary process cases that will proceed in the   Trial Court following the expiration of the   moratorium, and to provide opportunities   for landlords and tenants to access resourc-  es.” Among the key procedural points:  • Courts will now process eviction ac-  tions for non-payment of rent (which they   could not do under the state moratorium),  primarily affect rental property owners   unless tenants have submitted the affidavit  and property managers, community as-  required by the CDC rules, affirming that  sociations may feel its effects—directly (if   their delinquency results from the adverse  the association owns units that are rented   impacts  of  the  pandemic.  Landlords  who  to residential tenants) or indirectly, if inves-  receive this affidavit cannot pursue eviction  tors rent the units they own.  actions and the courts won’t consider them.  • For non-payment cases, the new evic-  tion protocols require landlords themselves  investor-owned units are much more com-  to submit an affidavit at every step of the  mon, and investor owners would be subject   eviction process (summons, complaints,  to the CDC rules. Owners who depend   motions  for summary judgment,  request-  ing and serving executions) affirming un-  der pains and penalties of perjury that they  monthly condominium fees, and associa-  have not received a tenant affidavit citing  tions with a large percentage of investor   the pandemic’s adverse effects as the reason  owners could see a surge in delinquent pay-  for their delinquency.  • The judiciary’s “outstanding orders” do   not indicate how the courts will respond if  tion under the state moratorium would   tenants submit the required CDC affidavit  have made it difficult for condo associations   late in the eviction process, after a landlord  to deal with troublesome tenants. Under the   has initiated  legal  action.  But that uncer-  tainty notwithstanding, the CDC rules give  ants unless their behavior endangered the   property owners far more latitude than the  health or safety of other residents. Boards   state moratorium provided to deal with  could pressure owners to deal with problem   non-paying tenants.  Like the now-expired state eviction mor-  atorium, the CDC rules specify that tenants  grounds (which now allow landlords to ter-  are not relieved of their obligation to pay  minate tenancies for any material breach of   rent and that landlords will be allowed to  the lease agreement) eliminate what could   collect all accumulated rent when the mor-  atorium is lifted. The CDC regulations also   allow landlords to add penalties and inter-  est to the total outstanding balance.  That may be a moot point, however. Even  the eviction restrictions will remain in ef-  if landlords can tack on penalties and inter-  est, it is unlikely that a court considering a  the  financial  pressures  on  rental  property   post-pandemic eviction action would allow  owners and the greater the risk that at least   them. It is even more unlikely that most  some community associations may have to   tenants facing four or five months or more   of accumulated rent payments will have the   resources to pay that debt, with or with-  out the addition of interest and penalties.   The more likely scenario is an avalanche of   eviction actions and clogged courts. Some   landlords may negotiate payment plans   with their tenants; most will probably seek   to regain possession of the units in the hope   of re-renting them quickly.  Anticipating  the  financial  burdens  on   tenants unable to pay several months of   back rent, and on landlords unable to col-  lect the rents on which they depend, the   state has thrown both something of a life-  line. The “Eviction Diversion Initiative”   Governor Baker announced recently allows   landlords who own fewer than 20 units to   seek emergency rental assistance from the   Residential Assistance for Families in Tran-  sition (RAFT) program. That program pre-  viously offered assistance only to tenants,   capped at a maximum of $4,000 per house-  hold. The new program allows landlords   to apply, with the consent of their tenants,   for a maximum of $10,000 per household,   provided that the tenancy will be preserved   for at least six months or (for households   with school-aged children) until June 2021,   whichever is longer.  Impacts on Community Associations  Although the eviction restrictions will   Some Massachusetts condominium as-  sociations  directly  own  rental  units,  but   on  the  rental  income  may  not  be  able  to   make their mortgage payments or pay their   ments as a result.  The extremely narrow grounds for evic-  state rules, unit owners could not evict ten-  tenants, but they could not force owners to   violate the law. The CDC’s broader eviction   have been a problem for many associations.  The critical question—a question no one   can answer—is when the pandemic will end   (or be deemed under control) and how long   fect.  The  longer  that timeline,  the  greater   CDC EVICTION...  continued from page 7

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