Page 6 - New England Condominium August 2021
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6 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -AUGUST 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  utes, board resolutions, financial statements,  bers.   management reports, and communications to   shareholders; copies of the corporation’s gov-  erning documents; and printouts of various ar-  ticles—some straight from this publication!—  about legal precedents, board governance, and  dustry, and sat in on seminars about reserve  tion and restraint with any assumptions. Their   other matters related to multifamily living and  planning, problem residents, and energy effi-  the history of co-ops. While legal and manage-  ment professionals universally agree that new  and New England Condominium’s in-person  just exiting a global pandemic. People in our   board members should read and understand  Expos are back this fall, giving you the oppor-  this information, that’s admittedly easier said  tunity to learn straight from the experts in all  all, boards were faced with very difficult de-  than done. In hindsight, it would have helped  aspects of multifamily living and administra-  to have a current, knowledgeable board mem-  ber walk me through some of the more salient  items. Alas, I had no such guide.   At our first meeting, during which we elect-  ed officers, it was clear that I was not the only  England, says that large, national management  of intentions. Further, the consequences of   one who needed a refresher on parliamentary  firms like FirstService offer many resources to  the pandemic are not over as can be seen with   procedure. We had to redo several of the votes  boards themselves through their website and  shortages in labor from lifeguards to trade-  because one member had written “sustained”  associated events, including pre-recorded we-  rather than “abstain” on their secret ballot. It  binars covering general board topics as well  backlogs of work for many of the vendors that   also became clear that this member was part  as ones specific to financials and treasurer  service the association industry.”  of a majority faction of long-standing direc-  tors who were guided largely by fallacy,   deferral, and nepotism. And since I was   the only new member that year, discus-  sions and voting proceeded without ex-  planation or background information,   using esoteric industry terminology and   in-house shorthand that had been established  als and walk-throughs similar to those I had  to other homeowners or shareholders. “If an   long ago. “All in favor of option C for the lentil  upon joining my board; of note, says Hughes,  association is composed of owners on limited   \[sic\]   replacement?”—Huh?  In spite of all that, no one stepped up to  of these resources.   fill the open position of secretary, so I became   an officer right off the bat. This allowed me  ( is an on-  to gain extra insight and education from our  line resource that aggregates news and infor-  extremely  competent and  seasoned general  mation related to condos, HOAs, and co-ops.  owners, and should be pursued.”   manager, Frank Durant of Charles H. Green-  thal & Co. He took me on a tour of the co-op’s  access the latest on legislation, events, and is-  four buildings, showing me everything from  sues pertaining to association living and gov-  the boilers to the roofs. I was able to learn  ernance throughout the U.S. and Canada.   about the 13-acre property’s systems, compo-  nents, projects, and the correct terminology  (CAI),  with  63  chapters  worldwide  (www.  and meanings (FYI,   lintels  —not ‘lentils’—are, provides information, re-  the support beams above openings like doors  sources, and advocacy to its more than 40,000  participation in elections, has led to an even-  and windows), allowing me not only to engage  members. Marilyn Brainard, member of the  tual shift in the makeup of the board to one   more confidently in the boardroom, but also  CAI Government & Public Affairs Commit-  to  translate  and  more  clearly  communicate  tee, expresses the importance of orienting new  sible members who represent the community   board actions and decisions to the co-op’s  board members to the critical role they play  wholly and dutifully. As far as anyone can re-  5,000 tenant-shareholders in monthly reports.    Hang Tough  What I’ve learned over the years is that   even beyond the community in which you live   is a broader community dedicated to serving   the multifamily industry. In addition to the   resources this publication provides in print,   online, and at its annual trade shows, there are   other organizations and associations through-  out the nation and beyond that give support   and guidance to boards and homeowners in   condo, HOA, and co-op communities.   In my first board year, Durant gave me   information to sign  up for the Council of   New York Cooperatives and Condomini-  ums (CNYC) Housing Conference (http://, where I took   classes on understanding budgets and finan-  cial statements, topics and terms pertaining to  figuration and the natural degrading of some   co-ops and condos, and emergency prepared-  ness. CNYC also offers courses and seminars   throughout the year; many are free to mem-  Durant also informed me about the Co-  operatorEvents Expos at the NY Hilton and  board seats specifically because they are look-  Javits Center, where I met more of our service  ing for change, or because they are upset about   providers and vendors, learned about the in-  ciency. (Readers take note: CooperatorEvents’  but they should also keep in mind that we are   tion. Register for free in your region today!  not control. New members wanting change   Bryan Hughes, president of property man-  agement firm FirstService Residential New  and to assume that all was done with the best   duties. They also offer onboarding materi-  is that not all board members avail themselves  income,” continues Brainard, “the board needs    The Community Associations Network  tegrity of their units. Recent programs by the   There, boards and service professionals can   The Community Associations Institute  intervening years, there has been more inter-  in the health and safety of their community’s  member, this year’s election was the first un-  structures and residents. The recent tragedy in  contested one in the co-op’s 60-year history—  Surfside, Florida, underscores just how impor-  tant vigilance and action are on any board.   “Board members—in all associations—are  think it is the latter!  expected to use recognized experts to examine   the integrity of the physical property as one of  boards and managers turn to for information   the most important responsibilities of a direc-  tor, especially when lives may be involved,” says  lated to condos, HOAs, and co-ops, perhaps   Brainard. “This usually means hiring qualified  this article will serve as a primer for other   business partners to report to the board and  board newcomers—or for existing boards and   members of the association the soundness  management companies seeking to create new   of structures providing housing. Not only  “board on-boarding” materials themselves.    \[should boards\] accept the report’s recom-  mendations, but \[they should\] commence ac-  tion for corrections in a timely manner. Aging   high-rise condominium associations are es-  pecially vulnerable due to the buildings’ con-  original construction products over time.”  “As for a thought for new board members,”   adds Hughes, “I would suggest a mantra we   hold at FirstService Residential, which is to ‘as-  sume best intentions.’ Individuals may run for   a past decision, but we suggest exercising cau-  observations may be 100% accurate in the end,   communities lost loved ones; and on top of it   cisions and a host of realities that they could   fully have that right, but perhaps seek to un-  derstand why certain decisions were made,   workers, exponential costs in materials, and   You Got the Right Stuff  Thorough and transparent communica-  tion is also essential to a healthy communi-  ty. Boards should not hold back or “sugar-  coat” a building’s or association’s financial   or  physical status, even—perhaps  espe-  cially—if the news might seem unfavorable   to express the importance of keeping the in-  federal government may be accessed to help   meet this financial obligation for individual   Indeed, I personally  believe that  putting   forth robust, accurate, timely information was   what turned the tide in my community to a   more progressive and proactive board. In the   est from newer shareholders in serving on the   board and its committees. That, and a higher   that consists of 11 professional, astute, respon-  whether that speaks to community apathy or   contentment remains unknown, but I’d like to   Now that I write for the publication that   about needs, processes, services, and laws re-  n  Darcey Gerstein is Associate Editor and Staff   Writer for New England Condominium.  NEW KIDS ON THE...  continued from page 1  there’s no landlord. For instance, repairs with-  in  one’s  unit  must be completed—and  paid   for—by the unit owner or shareholder. New   owners/shareholders might also lack aware-  ness that they must be involved to some de-  gree in managing and maintaining the com-  mon areas of their property.  Jack (not his real name) is president of a   212-unit co-op in Greenwich Village. He has   led his building through Hurricane Sandy   and a fire on the property. He gives a good   example of the mindset held by many of the   shareholders: “Many residents look at it as the   co-op should do this, or the co-op should do   that, but they don’t want to take ownership.   They’re full of ideas, as long as someone else   will execute it. They want the board to do ev-  erything—people don’t understand that it’s a   volunteer position.”  Another factor in the hesitance and misun-  derstanding around community participation   is residents’ belief that they lack the knowledge   or experience needed to sit on a board. Many   believe that only those in the building with   direct experience in related fields—attorneys,   accountants, real estate professionals, and ar-  chitects, for example—are qualified to serve   and make decisions on behalf of the commu-  nity. It’s not an unreasonable thing to think—  but what if none of your neighbors fits into any   of those categories?  The simple truth is that when one buys   into a residential community, one should go in   with the understanding that it is exactly that:   a community, and that participating in gover-  nance is a part of what you are buying into.  Like Small Town Living   Andy Marks has served as the president of   his New York City co-op for five years.  The   property is a post-war high rise on the Up-  per East Side of Manhattan containing ap-  proximately 210 units. He is also senior vice   president for business development for Max-  well Kates, a real estate management firm in   the city. “Our building is kind of like a small   town, and I’m like the mayor,” he says. “First   of all, everybody is well-intentioned. Our   apartments are our  highest  value  asset.  But   people are busy, and they have a misconcep-  tion about board service being thankless and   time consuming. Why would you want to put   yourself in that position, and potentially at risk   in terms of insurance and liability? People are   reticent of being involved without an idea of   how much work it will be. It’s a fear of the un-  known.”   However, Marks continues, “When boards   are very transparent, I find there is less resis-  tance. Ninety percent of good governance is   good communication. Once people realize   that they have certain skills that can be put to   use, it becomes time invested in adding value   to their own units, as well as that of the build-  ing. And those skills are broader than experi-  ence in the law, or in accounting. The apathy is   continued on page 8  IMPROVING...  continued from page 1  “Assume best intentions.”                —Bryan Hughes

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