Page 10 - New England Condominium October 2021
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10 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -OCTOBER 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  BOARD OPERATIONS  Transparency vs. Discretion   What to Say (Or Not to Say), and When  BY A J SIDRANSKY  Members  of  condominium  and  co-op  a board may not be as transparent as its resi-  boards are oft en faced with confl icting in-  terests  and messages  relating  to  matters of  stances warrant that boards be transparent   transparency and discretion. As a matter of  and forthcoming with the owners or share-  good governance, transparency is always the  holders they have been elected to represent. If   preferred policy, whether you’re the president  a large capital project is undertaken and prob-  of your community board or the President of  lems arise, for example, the board should keep   the United States.   Th  at being said, in both cases there are  cations. In this case, transparency is not only   times when good judgement means that  preferable; it’s necessary.   discretion may be preferable to total candor   and more critical than the membership’s or  tion, though—things like the fi nancial, per-  public’s right to know. Th  e question for board  sonal, or health information of individual   members is how to recognize when discre-  tion trumps transparency, and what the law  and board members must show the utmost   requires with relation to both.  “Boards are elected as fi duciaries to man-  age their buildings,” says Mark Hakim, an  information on any of its residents to other   attorney with the Manhattan-based law fi rm  residents,” Hakim says. “Personal and fi nan-  of Schwartz Sladkus Reich Greenberg Atlas.  cial information must be protected. Th  is is   “While we always recommend that boards be  especially true in light of COVID-19, where   as transparent as possible, we also recognize  boards should not be divulging medical in-  that there are both practical and legal reasons  formation of a resident to the general public.”    dents want.” He explains that many circum-  residents informed of the causes and ramifi -  When it comes to proprietary informa-  community members, for example—boards   discretion and respect for privacy.  “Generally,   boards can’t simply provide sensitive personal      |   |   617.314.9400  AS PROPERTY MANAGERS,   YOUR NEEDS   ARE OUR   GOALS.  Financial   Management,   Accounting,   Budgeting &   Forecasting   24/7 Maintenance,   Repair, &   Emergency   Services   Tenant   Management &   Leasing Services   Secure Online   Accessibility & Real   Time Reporting  Capital   Improvement   Project   Coordination   & Planning  Informed Pricing   Structure  WHAT WE   DO  See us at Booth 303

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