Page 18 - New England Condominium October 2021
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18 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -OCTOBER 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM    INDUSTRY PROFILES  Roof Replacement...or Rejuvenation?   Today You Have Choices   By New England Condominium Staff  I  t’s a well-worn truism that even seem-  ingly disparate elements are often con-  nected to each other in unexpected   ways. Take your association’s roof, for ex-  ample. Here in New England, if it’s a pitched   roof, most likely its shingles are made of as-  phalt. Asphalt is petroleum-based—and pe-  troleum products are connected to climate   change. The extremes of heat and cold we   are experiencing (and will continue to expe-  rience with greater frequency as the planet   warms) are impacting both your roof and   the materials it’s composed of, shortening   the  usable life  of  both. How  to  break that   cycle? One Massachusetts-based company   has a possible solution.   What Are Asphalt Shingles?  Most pitched roofs are composed of   shingles made from a petroleum byprod-  uct called liquid asphalt that keeps the   shingles pliable and flexible. Over time,   however, as shingles are exposed to suc-  cessive cycles of heat and cold, moisture   and  drought,  they  lose  their  flexibility.   Very much like our own skin—and yes,   like  our  asphalt  blacktop  driveways—  roofing shingles dry out from exposure   to  the  sun,  and  will  deteriorate  and   eventually crack.    Until recently, the useful life of shin-  gles—and  by  extension  the  roofs  they   comprise—was typically 20 to 30 years.   But according to David Levy, PCAM, and   president of Roof Maxx Framingham &   National  HOA/Condo  Channel  Partner,   that’s  no  longer  the  case.  “Today,  we   find  that  roofs  are  failing  prematurely   in many parts of the country,” he says,   “and part of the reason for this failure   is climate change. We now see roofs re-  quiring replacement in as little as 15 to  shingle to replace the liquid asphalt that  pitched roof property owners are less   20 years.”   This shortened lifespan is partly due  sible to put liquid asphalt back into the  (partly because inspecting a sloped roof   to the fact that between 1995 and 2000,  existing tile.”  large oil companies made alterations to   their  refining  process  that  reduced  the  spent more than 30 years in property  for  too  long,  this  neglect  leads  to  roof   production of liquid asphalt by about  management,  guiding  client  communi-  half.  With  less  product  to  go  around,  ties and associations through capital  eroded that the only solution is a total   prices  went  up—and  today,  shingle  roof repair and replacement projects  replacement.   manufacturers put less liquid asphalt in  both  large  and  small.  He’s  well  famil-  their shingles than they did in the past—  some 25% to 35% less—and replaced it  roofing  materials  over  the  years—and  no return, application of the product can   with limestone. With less liquid asphalt  the cost of letting deterioration go too  often turn the clock back and head off   acting as a lubricant in their composi-  tion,  shingles  are  deteriorating  faster,  ity and environmental issues have also  we determine that the shingles are dry-  and simply don’t last as long. Enter Roof  been important to Levy over the years,  ing  out,  yet  still  structurally  stable,  a   Maxx.  What Is Roof Maxx?  According  to  Levy,  Roof  Maxx  is  an  different, he explored eco-friendly busi-  alternative to a premature roof replace-  ment. It’s a way of preserving the shin-  gles you already have. Sprayed directly  did a lot of research and due diligence,  crew might replace some shingles and   onto existing shingles, it acts like a mois-  turizer—something like Oil of Olay for  the  product,  the  science  supporting  it,  entire surface to reverse prior deteriora-  your roof—rejuvenating the asphalt and  and  the  owners  of  Roof  Technologies,  tion.    restoring that all-important pliability to  who  have  the  rights  to  this  innovative   the material. What’s more, it’s also made  product. “I’m also proud to say that Roof  send flyers out to residents to make them   from  a  sustainable,  environmentally  Maxx is American-made,” he adds.   friendly material: soy.   “What’s  revolutionary  about  Roof   Maxx  is  that  it  does  not  contain  a  pe-  troleum-based product,” says Levy. “It’s  it should be inspected at least every three  rejuvenating the entire roof. The prod-  soybean-oil-based—so there’s an un-  limited  supply.  It’s  also  more  durable  ers  with  flat  roofs  are  generally  aware  and usually requires a two- to three-per-  over time, because liquid asphalt is not  of the need for annual inspections, and  son crew an hour or two to treat each   environmentally friendly to begin with,  diligent about conducting them—so  building.”   and dries out from the sun. Roof Maxx  maintenance gets done regularly, wheth-  is actually designed to be put into the  er proactively or reactively. By contrast,   has evaporated out. It wouldn’t be fea-  Levy  knows  roofs  intimately.  He’s  ous than inspecting a flat one). Let go   iar  with  the  toll  the  elements  take  on  cure-all for a roof that’s past the point of   far  before  addressing  it.  Sustainabil-  so when he retired from property man-  agement and decided to try something  we apply Roof Maxx, we first do a ‘tune-  ness opportunities. Roof Maxx was just  a ‘tune-up’ is the same work you might   such  an  opportunity—so  Levy  says  he  do as the preparation for a paint job; his   and ultimately was very impressed with  make other minor repairs, then treat the   How Does it Work?  No matter what style of roof is on  the Roof Maxx application on the same   your building or HOA, Levy stresses that  day. When we apply Roof Maxx, we are   to five years. He says that property own-  likely to conduct regular inspections   is both more difficult and more danger-  materials becoming so desiccated and   Levy says that while Roof Maxx isn’t a   that major capital improvement. “When   Roof Maxx treatment is in order. Before   up’ on elements that are at risk.” He says   Prior to treating a roof, Levy says, “we   aware of the process; communication is   key. Then we do the ‘tune-up’ work and   uct is applied with a special soft sprayer, 

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