Page 10 - New England Condominium March 2022
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10 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -MARCH 2022   NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  every five years on all buildings over six   storeys, which amounts to nearly 15,000   buildings citywide. The resulting report   must be filed with the DOB by a Qualified   Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI)—a New   York State-licensed professional engineer   (PE) or registered architect (RA)—who is   privately contracted by the building own-  er, which in the case of a co-op or condo   is the board.   Finkelstein explains that there were   changes to FISP requirements in the cur-  rent Cycle 9, which started in February   2020. “In response to concerns about the   accuracy of some of the prior reporting,”   he says, “the City determined that more   physical, hands-on inspections were   necessary. And that requires putting up   scaffolding and doing drops”—which   Finkelstein explains is the process of us-  ing cranes, hoists, and other suspension   equipment  against  the  building  façade   to allow inspectors to get up close to the   bricks and assess and photograph their   condition, as the new code requires. “All   of this again leads to added costs,” he says.   “It would be great if engineers were like   Spiderman and could just climb up the   building façade—but they’re not.”   Pain Reduction  Absent superhero abilities, one way to   potentially mitigate the costs and unwel-  come surprises related to a mandatory fa-  çade inspection is to do some voluntary   “pre-inspecting” by commissioning a pro-  fessional envelope specialist to perform   an exploratory evaluation. Eric Churchill,   executive vice president of Schernecker   Property Services (SPS), which provides   building envelope solutions for condo-  minium communities throughout New   England, explains how the process dif-  fers from a reserve study or technical   report: “When we talk about an explor-  atory  evaluation,”  he  says,  “we’re  talking   about actually taking siding off, removing   roof shingles, removing trim, exploring   around windows, and then educating the   board on what we find, to start with. So if   you find deterioration under the siding, if   there’s rotten plywood or rotting framing,   the question is ‘why?’—and the education   starts there.”   Arming the board and property man-  ager with the facts on the structure’s ex-  isting conditions enables  the  association   to plan proactively for maintenance and   repairs. Rather than waiting for a build-  ing inspector to tell you your roof is de-  teriorating—and then fine you for it—an   exploratory evaluation allows a condo or   co-op community to evaluate the cause   and degree of the deterioration and then   take the steps to improve that condition.   Come official inspection day, you’ll be   more likely to get that proverbial gold star.  One caveat that Finkelstein points   out is that “you may also want to speak  this resident buy-in can be extremely dif-  to your accountant to determine whether  ficult to get.   you want to finalize \[the resultant\] report,   because it may trigger certain disclosure  of Regency Management Group, also in   requirements that would have to be made  Howell, New Jersey, recommends mak-  in your financial statements. If you can  ing this Step 1 as soon as an association   keep the report in a draft form, it would  or corporation knows they have an inte-  have the same informative value, \[but\]  rior inspection coming up. She says that   would possibly avoid a disclosure that  in  the  Garden  State,  the  Department  of   could prove problematic down the road.”  Another way to simplify—and pos-  sibly reduce the cost of—an exterior in-  spection is to make use of drone technol-  ogy. Michael Tynan, managing partner of  These include smoke and carbon monox-  Drone  On  Pro  Aerial  Inspections  based  ide detector checks, looking for tripping   in  Howell,  New  Jersey, started  his  com-  pany after working for a New York prop-  erty management firm and experiencing  buildings, electrical panel function, and   the frustrations and costs associated with  more depending on the size and type of   façade inspections for his clients. He says  the building or community. She cautions   they were racking up change orders that  that  requirements  can  vary  in  different   sometimes drove   costs  400%  above  the  origi-  nal  contracted  figures after re-  pair crews got   to work and dis-  covered that the   visual  inspec-  tions had  failed   to see the true   scope of  façade   issues. So Tynan   thought, “Why   not  use  drones,   which can get you up close easier and  return trips to the property to visit ev-  faster?”   Equipped with sensitive thermo-  graphic cameras that detect variations in  not  available  in  the  afternoon,  and  I’m   temperature on a given surface, Tynan’s  not available on Mondays; I’m not avail-  drones can locate areas of moisture pen-  etration on façades and roofs; assess the  try and get the inspector so that they’re   energy performance of windows, doors,  not coming back more than three days, or   and balconies; and even identify water  four days, or a week, because then you’re   line breakage below ground. The drones  talking about six or eight hours a day of   are also equipped with visual cameras, or  paying for your manager to be there. And   RGBs, to show inspectors and engineers  that’s going to be very expensive.”   on the ground what’s going on in hard-to-  access areas. Says Tynan, “What benefits  has two strategies: put the time, proce-  co-ops and condo associations by using  dure, and expense of DCA inspections   these drones is that we can provide a re-  view of the building quicker, cheaper, and  and establish a resolution to impose fines   with better accuracy \[than a visual in-  spection\]. Also, when you put a thermo-  graphic  camera  on  a  drone,  it  gives  you  or delay compliance, thus incurring fines   a certain advantage: we can look straight  and penalties for the community.  down, with the camera at a 90-degree an-  gle, which takes away reflectance, so you  most part, preparing in advance is tech-  see the issue better.”  Interiors  While  exterior  inspections  have  the  for the manager to also conduct pre-in-  potential to cause disruption to people’s  spections in advance of the DCA visits so   lives with noise, dust, and vibrations—not  they know specifically what areas are go-  to mention the scaffolds, sidewalk bridg-  es, and netting that are required to keep  that if we know \[what the potential vio-  pedestrians safe, but are often seen as an  lations are\] in advance, and then obtain   eyesore by residents—interior inspections  contracts \[to correct them\], when the   can be even more intrusive, and require  DCA inspector comes, there is no penal-  building-wide participation and coopera-  tion. For property managers and boards,  the corrections.”   That’s why Elaine Warga-Murray, CEO   Community Affairs (DCA) has assem-  bled a list of required inspections that are   meant to ensure the health, safety, and   welfare of a community and its residents.   hazards in and around units and in com-  mon areas, proper egress from units and   municipalities and re-  gions, and advises every   manager and board to   go to the DCA website   to confirm their specific   checklist.  Warga-Murray says   that the DCA requires   100% of unit owners to   comply. This is not only   a scheduling challenge,   but can also increase the   costs of the inspections   if the DCA inspectors   have to make multiple   ery unit, she warns. “People tell you, ‘I’m   not available in the morning; well, I’m   able on Tuesdays.’ And then you have to   To mitigate these costs, Warga-Murray   into  the  management  contract  up  front;   on unit owners or shareholders if they   can’t be available for inspections or refuse   Warga-Murray continues, “For the   nically one of the most important aspects   of this \[type of inspection\]. It’s important   ing to be addressed. What I have found is   ty; they see that we’re involved in making   Bringing it All Together  Since  building inspections are a  fact   of life for property owners, it pays to be   aware, be prepared, and have a plan. At   the end of the day, completing an inspec-  tion and getting that sign-off—whether it   comes with a sticker or not—means that   the community is that much more pro-  tected from both burdensome penalties   and potential catastrophes. As the pros   say: instead of looking at inspections in   terms of their cost, look at them in terms   of their value.   n  Darcey  Gerstein  is  Associate  Editor  and  a   Staff Writer for New England Condominium.  BUILDING...  continued from page 8  “It would be great   if engineers were like   Spiderman and could   just climb up the   building façade—but   they’re not.”      — Adam Finkelstein  In the case of his own building—  a  high-rise  constructed  in  the  early   1960s—the materials used in construc-  tion were less than optimal, though the   builder wasn’t aware of any potential   problem at the time. The structure was   clad in what was then known as ‘light-  weight’ concrete. “Lightweight concrete   is a problem,” says Gaynor. “It contin-  ues to cure over time—which effectively   means that it keeps shrinking. So the   original ceilings in the building were   eight feet high, but now they are seven   feet and 11 inches. Also, the brick around   the concrete doesn’t shrink, which causes   the bricks to bulge.  “There are two possible approaches to   correcting the problem,” Gaynor contin-  ues.  “You can take out two or three levels   of brick at relieving angles \[to reduce the   pressure caused by concrete shrinkage\],   put in smaller, softer brick, and then re-  place the grout with softer materials. It’s   a very expensive, complicated job. The   other option, which is what we decided   to do, is to remove and replace ALL of   the brick. It’s also very expensive—but   that’s what the shareholders decided.   Sadly, no regular maintenance ‘fix’ could   have avoided this problem.”  For owners in more suburban wood-  frame and clapboard-covered townhouse   communities—like the ones that dot the   suburban New  England landscape, for   example—the situation is different, says   Ralph Noblin, a retired engineer and   former owner of Noblin & Associates, a   building engineering firm located near   Boston.   “Condo owners often complain about   the drab look their communities take   on after a few years,” he says, “and want   to repaint everything long before they   need to.  Often, the dull, shaded areas   \[on their buildings\] are just the result   of exterior mold and mildew—the paint   underneath is fine. In these situations,   we recommend pressure washing” to re-  move  the grime and restore  the  siding   MAINTAINING...  continued from page 1  continued on page 12

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