Page 6 - New England Condominium June 2022
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6 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -JUNE 2022   NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  possession, etc.” This contrasts sharply  condo unit will be stayed for a minimum  ration can terminate the lease after send-  with condo unit owners, who are the  of 60 days—and up to 180 days at the  ing a notice to cure. If that doesn’t resolve   lords of their realm, much as single-fam-  ily homeowners. “Conceptually,” says Mc-  Cracken, “it’s impossible and unfeasible to  tion order with the sheriff to execute the  avoided. “You don’t want to be there,” he   evict a condo owner” in the same way a  eviction until after the stay expires. That  says. Landlord-tenant courts tend to favor   co-op board can remove a non-paying or  gives unit owners at least 60 days to pay  tenants, and judges will often rule against   otherwise chronically problematic share-  holder.   Rules and norms can vary somewhat  the association can proceed with evicting   from region to region. “In Illinois,” says  him or her. The actual eviction is executed   Kris Kasten, a partner at Bartzen Rosen-  lund Kasten, a law firm based in Chicago,  condo is located. Upon taking possession  is fairly similar from state to state, there   “condo associations have a statutory right  of the unit, the association may then lease  are notable exceptions. In Massachusetts,   to evict a unit owner for nonpayment of  it,” and use those rental proceeds to pay  for example, the situation is a bit differ-  common expenses. The prospect of being  the owner’s arrears.   evicted from one’s condo unit has proven   effective in getting non-paying owners to  used to collect unpaid assessments and to  firm based in Braintree. “If an owner does   pay—which makes an eviction action the   primary method for assessment collec-  tion. After taking possession of the con-  do unit through an eviction action, the   association may then  lease  the  unit,  and   the rent collected goes toward paying the   judgment amount. Once the unit owner’s   account is brought current, the unit owner   may file a motion to vacate the eviction   order and regain possession of his or her   unit.” It should be clearly noted that the   owner still owns the unit in this scenario.  How it Works  The process for getting a resident out   for whatever reason can vary from state   to state. For example, the path to ejec-  tion from a co-op in New Jersey is set   through individual communities’ bylaws   and proprietary lease terms, says Piek-  arsky. “There are default provisions for   non-payment. Shareholders can also be   removed or ejected if they have broken   rules and regulations and the offenses are   egregious enough. The  corporation  can   cancel a shareholders’ lease and stock to   remove him or her.” As is the case in most   disputes in New Jersey, ADR—alternative   dispute resolution—is required before   litigation can commence. Piekarsky notes   that in condos, financial reasons—chronic   arrears, default, etc.—are really the only   grounds available for removing a unit   owner in New Jersey, though he notes that   associations can get injunctive relief and   restraining  orders  if  an  owner’s  offenses   are behavioral rather than financial.   In Illinois, when an eviction is used to   collect unpaid assessments in a condo as-  sociation, the first step in evicting a unit   owner is to serve that owner with a statu-  torily required demand letter. Kasten ex-  plains  that “if the  defaulting owner fails   or refuses to pay the amount demanded   within the time prescribed in the letter—  typically at least 30 days—then the condo   association may file an eviction action.   Upon filing the eviction action, the case   proceeds in the manner that litigation gen-  erally does; the defendants must be served   with a summons and complaint, and the  etary behaviors, such as breaking house   plaintiff must  prove its case, whether at  rules or having a guest who isn’t allowed   trial or an ex parte prove-up proceeding.  under the lease.”   However, an eviction order involving a   judge’s discretion.  That means that the  the  issue,  then they go  to  court—which   condo association cannot place an evic-  the judgment and avoid the eviction. If the  a landlord—including a co-op board—on   owner fails to pay within the stay period,  the narrowest procedural grounds.   by the sheriff of the county in which the  faulting or chronically disruptive resident   In a cooperative  setting, evictions  are  Marcus, Errico, Emmer, & Brooks, a law   deal with other violations of the govern-  ing  documents. Unlike the  process  in  a  for evicting  a Massachusetts condomini-  condo, the co-op procedure is more like a  um owner: The first step is to send the unit   typical landlord-tenant eviction. The first  owner a Statutory Notice of Delinquency.   step is to serve the member with a notice  This is typically done when the unit ac-  informing the shareholder that their pro-  prietary lease or occupancy agreement  in no event earlier than 60 days.   will terminate as of a set date, and de-  manding they vacate the apartment on or  owner does not respond with a payment   before that date. The notice includes the  plan, the board will order a title search   basis for termination of the lease, such as  and review to confirm not only the holder   non-payment of assessments or carrying  of the first mortgage on the unit, but any   charges. If the default is not cured in the  other parties in interest—a bank that has   time prescribed (e.g., the assessments are  granted the unit owner an equity line of   not paid), then the cooperative may file an  credit, for example—who might need to   eviction action. Upon filing that action,  be notified of the arrearage.   the case will proceed like most litigation   does, as mentioned above. However, co-  operatives are not subject to the statutory  for six months over the first mortgage, the   60-day minimum stay that condos are. In-  stead, stays on co-op eviction orders are  expenses has a complete priority over any   usually closer to seven to 14 days—though  second mortgages. In other words, should   depending on the circumstances, a judge  the unit be sold to satisfy a judgment,   might impose a longer stay. Once the stay  the junior mortgage(s) would completely   expires, the cooperative can place the evic-  tion order with the sheriff to execute it.  McCracken says there are a number  so they can decide what steps, if any, to   of scenarios that could set an eviction in  take in order to protect their mortgage.   motion in a co-op setting. “Nonpayment   of maintenance is the most common. Ac-  cording to a co-op recognition agreement,  unit owner or their lender, the associa-  in  all co-op mortgages,  the co-op board  tion can file a complaint in district court   can notify the lender in a case of monetary  or superior court. This must be done at   default and the lender will pay defaulted  the point when the unit owner’s account   co-op fees to protect their position. Evic-  tion can also be used for multiple defaults  preserves the six-month  limited priority   under the proprietary lease for non-mon-  Under the proprietary lease, the corpo-  McCracken advises against, if it can be   The View from Massachusetts  While the process for removing a de-  ent, explains Ellen Shapiro, a partner with   not pay his or her monthly assessment   fees, after the account has been in ar-  rears or had an outstanding balance for   60 days, the board can start a statutory   lien  enforcement  process  which  can   lead to the sale of the unit if the owner   does not pay. Although that is not an   eviction, if the owner vacates, it does   have the same effect. However, if the   owner  does  not  vacate,  then  the  suc-  cessful bidder—the new owner—has to   evict the past owner.”    Shapiro goes on to outline the process   count is either 60 or 90 days in arrears, but   If payment is not received and the unit   It’s important to notify these institu-  tions because, unlike the limited priority   condominium’s lien for unpaid common   ‘wipe out.’ Notice of the unit owner’s de-  linquency is given to second mortgagees   If all of the above does not compel the   payment of the arrearage, either by the   is six months in arrears, since the filing   period the association’s lien has over the   first mortgage.   While the specific terms of art may   differ, the option to use an eviction—or   an eviction-type proceeding—to remove   a tenant is available in both co-op  and   condo settings to different extents and   for different reasons. No matter what the   process is called, however, like all legal   proceedings, it’s lengthy, acrimonious,   and almost always very expensive. There-  fore, booting an owner or shareholder out   of an HOA or building should be consid-  ered as a last resort. Boards of co-op and   condominium properties, their manage-  ment, and legal advisors should make all   due efforts to settle the matter with an   owner or shareholder privately and one-  on-one before proceeding with the ‘nu-  clear option’ of eviction.      n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter   forNew England Condominium, and a pub-  lished novelist. He can be reached at alan@   REMOVALS...  continued from page 1  a cause that immediately precedes the   damage or injury, and “without which   or in case of the presence of supervening   events, no damage or injury would have   resulted.” An example of direct loss would   be if a tornado struck your town and took   the roof off your building; your direct loss   would include the damage to the struc-  ture, as well as to any equipment, furni-  ture, inventory, etc.  Indirect loss is “an expense caused by   damage or injury to insured individuals   or property that is beyond the scope of   the covered damage. This expense is at-  tributable to the covered loss, but is not   part of the covered loss itself.” If that   same tornado destroys the roof of your   store, not only are there rebuilding costs,   but the business cannot operate until the   damage is fixed. Income lost during the   rebuilding—and after it,  if customers   stick with the alternatives they found in   the meantime—represents indirect loss.  Partial loss refers to damage to an in-  sured property that is not total—meaning   that it does not prevent the property from   performing  its function, nor  does it  ex-  ceed the coverage limit of the insurance   policy. A fire that destroys one room, but   not the entire house, would be an exam-  ple of partial loss.  Catastrophic loss refers to a loss that   is random  and  extremely serious—one   that has a devastating effect and cannot   be foreseen, and therefore very difficult to   make whole without insurance. Catastro-  phe insurance exists to prevent individu-  als and businesses in the event of a ma-  jor severe event that results in losses that   are much larger than usual. Examples of   catastrophic  loss  would  be  the  damage   and destruction caused by hurricanes or   LOSS, INSURANCE...  continued from page 1  “Conceptually,   it’s impossible and   unfeasible to evict a   condo owner.”   — William McCracken  continued on page 8 

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