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8 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -JULY 2022  NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  materials in general has become tricky.”   Labor Shortage  Staffing is another problem facing ven-  dors, managers, and by extension boards,   particularly when it comes to capital proj-  ects. The pandemic led to what is now re-  ferred to as the ‘Great Resignation,’ and   companies across the board are struggling   to hire and retain workers. That situa-  tion is pushing labor costs and ultimately   vendor bids upward—and employment   watchers say it’s unlikely to change in the   immediate future.  “It’s harder to find people to work the   smaller jobs,” says Wolf. “There is clearly   a labor shortage at the moment. Overall,   there are just fewer people in the trades.   A recent graduating class from a local   plumbing  school  was  composed  of  25,   down from 100-plus previously on an an-  nual basis. Some tradesmen left what they   were doing during the pandemic, changed   fields, and didn’t come back.”   “While vendors and contractors have   adjusted pricing and services according-  ly,” says Kurian, “co-op and condomin-  ium boards should plan to remain very   prudent when it comes to budgeting and   planning for projects. In addition to high-  er costs, timelines for repair and renova-  tion projects have extended as well.”  “Fuel is knocking budgets for a loop,”   adds Wolf. He points out that it’s both a   direct and indirect cost increase. “An in-  direct result of the increase in fuel prices   is that we see all the vendors increasing   their vehicle surcharge,” he says. “Month-  ly billings are really starting to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[reflect\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]   that now. We thought this fuel price jump   would be short term, but it’s not. Any ven-  dors coming to properties we manage are   passing higher vehicle charges on to their   customers to cover the increase in their   fuel costs.”  Controlling Costs…Where Possible  So we’re in a price/cost crisis at the mo-  ment—that seems to be a given. But how   do we manage it? “We highly recommend   accounting  for  a  five-  to  seven-percent   increase in line items like materials and   supplies for future budgets whenever pos-  sible,” says Kurian. “While this amount is   double the typical forecasting, conserva-  tive budgeting will help cover any unex-  pected costs, even as we move towards   more stability.”   According to David A. Levy, a CPA   based in Needham, Massachusetts, given   that boards and managers can’t forecast   future costs based on prior information,   “budgeting during inflation can be tricky.   However, by taking into consideration   reasonable  inflation  rates  such  as  the   Consumer Price Index (CPI), budgets can   be forecasted with more accuracy.”  “The availability and pricing for prod-  ucts affected by supply chain issues (ex-  cept oil) can shift at a moment’s notice,”   Kurian continues. “Co-op and condo  sessment may correct a current cash flow   boards should be thinking about their  problem, or act as a stopgap measure.   most critical building system services and  “For 2023 though,” he says, “we are ob-  supplies, and purchasing in bulk wherever  serving how this year plays out.” If infla-  possible. As a matter of course, seasonal  tionary pressures continue as they have,   supplies like calcium chloride (for melt-  ing snow and ice) and other winter-spe-  cific goods are typically purchased in ad-  vance and in bulk, and that will certainly  increases. “It’s about monitoring things,”   be the case for the upcoming season.”   It’s also a good idea to prioritize proj-  ects and plan for additional time to com-  plete them. “Bidding repair and main-  tenance contracts  is  critical  in order to   ensure service providers such as HVAC,  overall,” says Kurian, “it will be difficult to   landscaping, etc. are at competitively sim-  ilar levels when it comes to cost as well  areas will be impacted by higher pricing   as distribution and delivery timeframes,”  and availability in the near future.”  stresses Kurian. He also recommends   having major suppliers bid on commonly  about how things may trend going for-  purchased items on a quarterly basis to  ward also applies to reserve funding, says   find the best deals.  “Vendors are in a command posi-  tion  these  days,”  adds  Wolf.  “We  try  to  ing up, labor and supplies are harder to   get more bids than we might have previ-  ously—say five instead of three—but in  one-time assessment, payment plans are   the end it doesn’t matter much. We also  an option, but ultimately the community   recommend that associations purchase  needs the funds.”   goods in bulk to try to get the overall per-  unit price down. In other words, buy 36  co-op, condominium, and  HOA  boards   units instead of 12—but remember it’s a  and managers can do to control inflation,   bulk purchase, not negotiation. The price  supply chain issues, and labor shortages   is still the price.”  Budgeting for the Future  “The 2022 budgets were set at the end  sis in a century. We will have to ride this   of 2021, before this \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[current inflation  out. But good management and attention   wave\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] hit,” says Jayson Prisand, a partner  to detail can help to defray some of the   with Prisand Mellina Unterlack & Co,  costs. No matter the circumstances, vigi-  an accounting firm located in Plainview,  lance and planning are your best tools.    New York. “There were trends at that   time, but no one expected these spikes. In   some cases, some of the boards we advise   are taking a look at their first quarter ver-  sus where they are now, and considering   whether they may need a short-term or   one-time operating assessment to bridge   the gap for this year. And in some cases,   they’re even considering a second full   maintenance  increase,  mid-year.  To  do   that is not always popular.”   Prisand suggests that a one-time as-  co-op corporations and condominium as-  sociations may have no choice but to level   high single-digit or even double-digit   says Prisand. “Most buildings have this   year’s results through May. It’s still too   early for budget planning for 2023, but we   recommend boards keep on top of it.”  “Although we are seeing increases   pinpoint precisely which goods or service   That lack of precision and certainty   Levy.  “Reserve  funding  is  more  compli-  cated, because not only are prices go-  purchase with current supply chain is-  sues. You might have the funds for a new   HVAC system, but the unit might be   backlogged for six to ten months. This   needs to be addressed in the reserve fund   budget analysis.”  Wolf and his colleagues recommend   transparency as the best policy for ex-  plaining to shareholders and owners what   is happening and what may well happen   in the coming year(s). “If the association   is  over  budget,”  says  Wolf,  “the  board   should let the community know, and   why. If they budgeted for ‘X’ last year for   a project or line item, they have to come   clean and say that costs, etc., have risen.”   In terms of affordability and the ability   of association members and corporation   shareholders to absorb higher monthly   costs, Wolf adds that “the association   must collect what it needs. If there is a   Ultimately,  there  is little  to nothing   that are plaguing the economy now, as we   emerge from the worst global health cri-   n  A J Sidransky is a staff  writer/reporter for   New England Condominium, and a published   novelist. He can be reached at   INFLATION...  continued from page 1  “Th  e association   must collect what it   needs. If there is a   one-time assessment,   payment plans   are an option,   but ultimately the   community needs the   funds.”           — Scott Wolf  etary lease after closing.   After approving the application,   thereby waiving its right of first refusal,   the co-op discovered that the defendant   (having since closed title on the shares)   was renting his unit out on Airbnb, both   in violation of the proprietary lease and   in refutation of his application represen-  tations.    Rather than seeking to terminate the   proprietary lease and recover posses-  sion of the defendant’s apartment in a   landlord-tenant proceeding, the co-op   sought  monetary  damages  and rescis-  sion of its waiver to right of first refusal.   Even  though  lower  courts  denied  the   defendant’s motion to dismiss, citing   the misrepresentations the defendant   made in his purchase application that   caused  the  co-op  to  waive  its  right  of   first refusal, Justice Joseph found for the   defendant, concluding that the co-op   didn’t show sufficient proof of damages   relative to its waiver of its right of first   refusal, and that the rescission claim was   not legally viable.   As Koplovitz and Freedland contend,   Trump Village Section No. 4’s “choice   to request rescission of the occupancy   agreement instead of pursuing a hold-  over case appears to have been a time-  consuming and likely costly one, since   Justice Joseph also awarded legal fees to   Mr. Vilensky as the prevailing party.”    Condo’s 10-Yr Legal Battle Against   Lowell, MA Nears End  Grand Manor Condominiums in   Lowell, Massachusetts, was built in the   1980s. According to reporting in the   Lowell Sun  , residents there were un-  aware that they were living on top of a   municipal landfill dating to the 1940s   and 1950s until a 2008 drainage system   installation at the site. Only then was it   discovered that the property’s soil con-  tained hazardous materials including   lead and arsenic.   In 2009, according to the   Sun  , the   state Department of Environmental Pro-  tection declared the city of Lowell to be   responsible for the cleanup as well as for   the decrease in home values at Grand   Manor. The condo association then sued   the city for that loss in 2012. A trial be-  gan in 2016 after the parties could not   reach an out-of-court settlement.   The jury in that trial sided with the   city, saying that the statute of limitations   had expired. The condo association ap-  pealed in 2017, claiming that it had filed   its suit well within the statutory period.   The Supreme Judicial Court agreed and   remanded the case back to the Lowell   Superior Court for another trial in 2018.    In that trial, the association sought   $2.8 million in property damages as-  THE YEAR IN...  continued from page 1  continued on page 10 

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