Page 19 - New England Condominium March 2019
P. 19

- MARCH 2019    
(Wear comfortable shoes.) 
shifted somewhat toward Netflix and Hulu  Condos, gated communities, what have you....  of the agreement for that property, which is  
[rather than traditional cable TV]. There's a  it's  a large  part  of our  footprint  across the  something a little different than we'd provide  for multifamily property owners to make our  
lot of competition in the subscription service  country. We know that multifamily is a very  for a retail environment.” 
market. Hulu or YouTube TV, Google... some  competitive area today, and created Xfin- 
of these offer 40-50 channels live online and  ity Communities a few years ago as a specific  
are all really cool. With an AppleTV or Roku,  team to address this. Over the last few years,  
you plug it in, you have a streaming app and  we've transformed our service for HOAs, im- 
you're good to go. You have individual profiles  proving customer service, investing in better  amenities and common areas, whether it's  residents can still have the ability to custom- 
set up for everyone in your household, with  network  and entertainment  solutions...  and  a pet-friendly space or gym or theater areas,  ize their internet speed, TV content and other  
all of your favorites and your recorded shows,  we launched our X1 entertainment platform,  these are becoming almost the norm. And  services just the way they want them.” 
etc. There's a lot that you can do solely with in- 
ternet service without that older cable setup.” 
What happens when the majority of an as- 
sociation desires a bulk package, but there are  night in my apartment on the subway the next  
adamant holdouts who insist on sticking with  morning via my  
“The bulk deals are for the entirety of the  
building. And individual units have the op- 
tion to go through another provider, but the  
primary cost is for the whole building. Some- 
times not everyone will want to be involved,  
but that shouldn't necessarily stop the entire  
process. Some people just don't like change.  segments we ser- 
I've been to plenty of condo board meetings  vice, wherein an  
and seen some horror scenarios, but I've also  association  has se- 
seen great, highly-functional associations. It's  lected a single pro- 
all about different people and different per- 
sonalities. Most people—especially in a condo  cided to enter into a  
building where they have one of the major  multi-year 'wholesale' agreement, where they  tomization;  everyone wants to personalize  to design a custom all-fiber network deploy- 
providers  and  a triple-play phone/internet/ 
cable package—the rate at which they started  specific array of equipment, etc., to the prop- 
that service likely does not exist anymore, and  erty for the term of that agreement. It's a seg- 
that package is not even currently available. So  ment we serve very well, and we have specific  ing security alerts...when I get home today, for  technicians do white-glove installations in  
you can save a lot for everyone in the building  geographical  areas  within  our  footprint  in  example, I'll pause my Wi-Fi so we can unplug  each unit for the residents. Through the use  
with a more streamlined bulk package cater- 
ing to their current interests and usage.” 
Rafael Visbal, Regional Vice President  
of Commercial Development at Comcast's  
Hollywood, Florida offices 
New England Condominium:  What does  
[Comcast subsidiary] Xfinity offer community  
associations that's unique when compared to  
products and services for single-family homes  
or multifamily rentals? 
RV: “Let me start with the big picture.  of pricing and service throughout the term  
which allows you take your content anywhere  when we design technology solutions for  
and enjoy it anytime from any device.” 
So I could finish the movie I started last  
What does your  
company offer in  
terms of bulk pack- 
“It's one of the  
vider and has de- 
want to provide video, or video/internet, or a  their Wi-Fi experience. Creating profiles for  ment for each building that leverages the  
Florida where it's embraced more than others.  over dinner with my kid. I have all the devices  of innovative materials like nearly invisible fi- 
In West Palm Beach and Southwest Florida in  on a specific profile such that on weeknights at  ber systems, we install services in all types of  
general, bulk is a very large component of our  11, it all goes down.” 
“If the HOA documents permit it, and  
there's political will to do something as a  
community, we can definitely bring together  
what is generally a very customized solution.  
We figure that out property to property. And  
this  creates a  very  stable predictable model  
Are people increasingly expecting Wi-Fi in  
common areas? 
“It started a few years ago, but there's a  est internet and best picture quality TV for  
higher level of sophistication in regard to  every resident at significant discounts. And  
these properties, we definitely have to con- 
sider these specific needs and wants, and we  
can service specific needs in regard to Wi-Fi,  
video  outlets, whatever  ing entertainment and fast internet connec- 
the property requires.  
“And it's not just vid- 
eo and internet nowa- 
days; we're talking home  and residents expect to be connected and en- 
security... it's almost a  service package in those areas. We can also  
game of one-upmanship  help set up fast wifi services in those common  
at  this point  where  ev- 
ery new development is  and happy.” 
trying to do something  
more sophisticated than  
their competition.  
“It's also about cus- 
various  devices,  controlling  which  are  con- 
nected to your network at a given time, receiv- 
Michael Weston, Senior Executive at Ve- 
rizon Enhanced Communities in New York  
New England Condominium : Are there  
telecom packages that can lead to savings for a  
multifamily property that commits to a build- 
ing-wide installation from a single service pro- 
MW: “Yes. Verizon offers the opportunity  
internet and TV a part of what it means to  
live  in their  community.  By  purchasing on  
behalf of all residents, owners ensure the fast- 
What do multifamily homes typically seek  
in  regard  to  cable/internet/entertainment  for  
common areas, where that's relevant? 
“For most multifamily operators, provid- 
tivity in their amenity areas is important to- 
day. Those spaces serve as a natural extension  
of living spaces in today's modern buildings,  
tertained. Verizon can help with the right TV  
areas to keep residents and staff connected  
Are there any difficulties unique to install- 
ing or servicing internet/cable in multifamily  
“We use a staff of professional engineers  
architecture of the building to reach all resi- 
dents. From there, our team of professional  
apartment buildings with a range of solutions  
that please even the most exacting residents.” 
Dan Haumann, President of Advocate  
Property Management in  Naperville, Illi- 
New England Condominium: How would  
you describe your dealings thus far with tele- 
com providers in regard to community associa- 
“A bulk deal takes the  
idea that we all need  
internet, whether that  
includes cable or (more  
rarely) phone.” 
   — Perry Wasserbauer 
continued on page 22
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