Page 15 - New England Condominium April 2019
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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   - APRIL 2019     15  C&S Community Management Services,  touch-up painting, pressure washing and  spring arrives in force.”  which has offices throughout Florida.   minor landscaping, depending on the size   “Of course, the making of the signs them-  selves will most likely involve someone  hours.”   outside of the association. In general, it’s   important to note that anything that re-  quires a licensed contractor should not be   performed in house, unless whomever on   staff is doing the work themselves actually  harsh,  an  as-  has a license.”  An adept manager can help a board de-  termine the nature and extent of needed  with issues be-  spring work, as well as the best way to  yond just fall-  prioritize and schedule service calls. “Our  en twigs and   office is equipped  to  get  estimates  and  grubby  coordinate and oversee various types of  nage. “Winter   subcontractors, including painters, power  ice damming   washers, landscapers, masons, plumb-  ers, and more,” says Don Cabrera, Own-  er of Cabrera Companies in Wildwood  ing  to  roofs,”   Crest, New Jersey. “Our company also  says  coordinates necessary inspections with   contractors for annual spring preventive  tion  maintenance for things like pool and spa   equipment. We generally accompany and  ing expert to conduct regular inspections  Hampshire, but we’re in a heavily-wood-  provide instruction and oversight to all  to better identify necessary repairs to  ed  area  with  walking  trails  and  the  like.  ally have some new faces move in, and   contractors. Additionally, we can perform  avoid further water infiltration when the  As far as spring is concerned, we have a   of the job, property and required man   If the win-  ter  weather  has  been  p ar t ic u larly   sociation may   need to deal   sig-  can be espe-  cially damag-  Butler.  “An  associa-  should  engage a  roof-  Into the Woods  Some associations are more sprawl-  ing than others, and those that occupy  a ‘cleanup’ toward the top of the season.   vast plots of land  We also have a group we call the Beau-  may  require more  tification Committee that changes the   consideration  as  the days warm than  have scattered throughout the property,   those associations  as well as the big flower bed with a gran-  occupying  urban  spaces.  “Our  condo-  minium  associa-  tion consists of 21  to spruce up their own flower beds – par-  units in four build-  ings over 42 acres,”   says Gordon Cros-  son, Manager of  eter cutting during the year, which we’ll   Oyster River Con-  dominium  Asso-  ciation in Lee, New  as some bushes. Once spring gets going,   Hampshire. “We’re  we have some painting work that we’ll do.   not far from the  It’s a small enough community where ev-  University of New  erybody knows everyone else and enjoys   contract with a landscaper who does both   our snow plowing and our lawn service,   so he’ll come out to do what we refer to as   flowers around four lamp posts that we   ite display at the entrance of the property   that displays our community’s name. \[The   committee\] also provides peat moss and   loam for owners to use at their discretion   ticularly those in the back of their units.  “Last year we purchased a brush mow-  er, so we handle a lot of our own perim-  also do come the spring,” Crosson contin-  ues. “We prune many of our trees, as well   lending a helping hand. We occasion-  “Any association will want   to perform some routine   tasks, including cleaning their   grounds of leaves and debris   to prep for landscaping, and   cleaning windows – although   serious exterior cleaning of   the latter should be handled   by professionals.”                 — James Maistre  continued on page 18   |   P: 978-694-9004  F: 978-694-9008   |  COMPANY OVERVIEW  •   Family owned and managed Massachusetts based property   management company   •   Offers superior construction-related expertise and resources  •   Blends management expertise with open communication between   the board, unit owners and managing agent, making for a   healthier property  •   Superior vendor and cost management  •   Deployment of in-house maintenance and grounds-keeping crews  At J. Butler Property Management, LLC, we measure our success in   terms of client satisfaction and take a long-term view of every   relationship.  A Company you can trust...  A Company you can depend on...  A Company of Professionals!!!  An Unparalleled Level of Condominium Service

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