Page 7 - New England Condominium May EXPO 2019
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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM   NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM  —  MAY  2019     7  QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Legal  A  See us at Booth 206  Show Me the Money!  Q  I live in a condo complex in Rhode   Island. I only receive a fi nancial   statement once a year. I would like   a monthly expense sheet and income tax re-  turn sent to me. Th  e management company   and the treasurer have not answered me. Is   there anything I can do to receive these cop-  ies?                      — Looking for Transparency    A  “Th  e  Rhode  Island  Condo   Act, specifi cally, RIGL 34-  36.1-3.18 (Association Re-  cords) states that ‘the Association shall keep   fi nancial records suffi  ciently detailed to en-  able the association to comply with section   4.09,’” says  Frank  Lombardi, a  partner  at   Goodman, Shapiro and Lombardi, a law fi rm   with offi  ces in Massachusetts and Rhode Is-  land. “Th  at would be the resale certifi cate re-  quiring a statement as to how much the unit   owner owes on his or her unit; fees payable by   unit owners; capital expenditures anticipated   over the next two  years, reserve account   amounts for capital projects, if any; balance   sheet and income and expense statements.   “Th  e Act states: ‘All other fi nancial and   other records shall be made reasonably avail-  able for examination by any unit owner and   his or her authorized agent.’ In my opinion,   ‘reasonably available’ means the unit owner   and/or his representative can come at a time   convenient for the board and/or its own   property manager, at the offi  ce where the   docs are stored, subject to privacy and secu-  rity conditions. Copies should be at the unit   owner’s expense. Th  e number and content of   the copies should be reasonable as well — not   ‘everything you got.’    “Ditto, if and only if monthly expense   sheets are done, they can be made available   for examination and copying within reason.   Unit owners shouldn’t be permitted to con-  stantly hound the fi nancial services person-  nel and question every single expense every   single month.  Mailing them to unit owners   is unreasonable in my opinion. Tax returns,   again, available for examination and copying   only, not by mail.”    Questioning Quorums  Q  When we had our annual own-  ers’ meeting in November, there   was one trustee position up for   election and one candidate for the position.    I have asked the trustees and property man-  ager to confi rm the percentage of benefi cial   interest represented at the meeting and the  phone calls. I encountered the Chair in the  SOP for the minutes to include names of at-  percent voting for trustee — that is, did we  common area and tried to speak with him,  tendees and those who proxied (to support   reach quorum (51% or more of benefi cial in-  terest required by our condo docs), and did   the candidate achieve 51% of the benefi cial  the minutes of the owners’ meeting be sent to  Th  e trustees have not distributed the draft .     interest required by our condo docs?  Nei-  ther the trustees nor the property manager  ing.  It is standard operating procedure (SOP)  stance in which the property manager claimed   respond to my emails. I have also called the  for the draft  to be sent to owners no later than  we had quorum when we didn’t.  Only when   property manager and he does not return my  two months following the meeting.  It is also   but he ignored me and drove away.   Also, our condo docs require a draft  of  benefi cial interest voting for each candidate.   owners for approval at the next owners’ meet-  achieving quorum) as well as the percent of    By the way, we have had at least one in-  continued on page 42   Q &

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