Page 12 - New England Condominium June 2019
P. 12

12 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -JUNE 2019   NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  O  nce upon a time, you usually  ing of the unit.  Given that co-op and  own heating system.  When owners leave   greeted your neighbor in the  condo units carry monthly costs such as  for long periods, they turn off the heat.    hallway of your building as you  common area charges,  maintenance and  In the winter – especially in a climate like   were coming or going. But you haven’t  probably mortgage payments,  owners  ours, where you can have long periods of   seen or heard a peep from her in almost  who plan long absences for work or travel  intense cold and temperatures plummet –   two months. You wonder if she is okay.    So you ask the super one morning in  unit during that time to cover those costs.  snap.  This is especially true in townhouse   the lobby about your neighbor’s where-  abouts.  He  responds  that  she’s  perfectly  art-collecting neighbor, can afford or pre-  fine – she just went to a writers’ retreat in  fer not to have anyone at their place while  pen in an apartment building.”  Portland for a year. The reason why the  on vacation.  Those type of residents be-  neighbor didn’t sublet her place, the su-  per explains, is because she has a valuable   collection of pre-Columbian art and was   afraid of possible theft or damage.    And  just  like that,  you  have a ghost   owner for a neighbor.  The Fundamentals of Vacancy  Co-ops and condo units are potentially  apartment unit surrounded on all sides   income-producing assets.   While osten-  sibly intended as principal residences for  involved in any number of situations that   their owners, both can generally be leased  require building staff or outside contrac-  out.  In a co-op where a resident of the  tors to access it.    unit is a shareholder in the corporation   that owns the property, the act of leasing  says Stuart Halper, Vice President at the   out the unit is referred to as a sublet.  In  New York-area based Impact Real Estate   a condominium where a unit is owned  Management, “is the most important   directly, the leasing out of the unit is re-  ferred to simply as a lease.  In both cases  a long period of time.  The most impor-  – particularly in a co-op – the board will  tant issue is whether the heat is on or not.   set of keys with the management, super or   have some level of control over the leas-  often place a rent-paying tenant in their  pipes can freeze up over an extended cold   But some owners, like the aforementioned  and garden apartment type developments.    come so-called ‘ghost’ owners.   The Practical Effects    of ‘Ghost’ Ownership  Perhaps the most obvious possible   consequence of unoccupied units is prob-  lems with accessing those units when   necessary.  Unlike a private home, an   and up and down by other units may be   “Access to a unit in case of a problem,”   consideration when an owner is away for  keys! Halper suggests that all owners who   In many buildings today, each unit has its  a neighbor, so that their unit can be easily   Water pipes can burst.  This can also hap-  If a break happens in an empty unit, or   if water or other damage from an adjacent   unit affects an empty one, it’s imperative   that building staff or outside personnel be   able to get into the unoccupied unit to ad-  dress the problem and keep it from turn-  ing into something much worse. While   the idea of a super or plumber entering   one’s home unsupervised for an unlim-  ited amount of time might not sit well   with residents, it may be fair to say that   being held liable for the damage done to   neighboring apartments by one’s leak, or   coming home to mold growing all over   the walls, is far worse.   Emergency Response  The key to solving this problem is...  leave for extended periods of time leave a   accessible in the event of an emergency.   And if the idea of leaving keys to your   home with anyone other than a close rela-  tive gives you anxiety, consider the alter-  native if no means of easy access has been   arranged before a resident has left, and   something serious comes up. “We call the   fire department and they break down the   door,” says Halper.  “The management   and the board have the authority to step   in under governing documents if they   can’t get hold of the owner for necessary   or emergency repairs.”  Jim  Toscano,  President  of  Property   Management  of Andover  in  Lawrence,   Massachusetts, takes a view similar to   Halper’s about the most common cause of   problems resulting from long-term absen-  tee owners.  Toscano manages numerous   properties where owners spend the winter   in warmer climes.  “Problems arise when   they haven’t  properly winterized  their   unit,” he says. “There can be the potential   for damage in their unit or in neighboring   units. It doesn’t happen as often as it did,   say, 10 years ago, because we have educat-  ed owners. So now it’s much less frequent   – but it can be frustrating at times. When   it does happen and we have to get access,   we call a locksmith to open the door.”  Community Policy  How should a co-op or condo board   address the  potential problems  posed   by  ghost  owners?   “The best approach   is to require unit owners to leave keys   with management,” says Halper.  If this   requirement is not in the community’s   bylaws or house rules, it can be adopted   through the amendment protocols of the   co-op or condo.    In lieu of, or in addition to, keys, To-  scano says it’s also helpful to require   residents to leave up-to-date contact in-  formation with the management.  “If   we don’t have the information we need,   which is  required,  we  can  penalize  the   owner through a fine or other monetary   penalty,” he says. “The fine can be daily   and continuous. At, say, $25 per day, that   can pile up fast.  Unit owners usually re-  spond quickly after they see the bill.”   Liability  In the event of a broken pipe, manage-  ment must act, and act fast.  “We have   an obligation to preserve and stabilize   Absent Owners  Managing Communities When Nobody’s Home  BY A J SIDRANSKY  MANAGEMENT  continued on page 19

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