Page 5 - New England Condominium August 2019
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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -AUGUST 2019     5  When a Neighbor Has an Emotional   Support Animal  Q  Our condo building has a no-  pets amendment for nearly 40  to enjoy the premises, then the board may  ous, which is usually the case with mental/  years. So when a new owner joins  have to approve the request.    at is exactly  emotional disabilities, the board is entitled   our  community,  he  or  she  is  supposed  to  the situation you are currently facing.  sign disclosure forms that indicate “no pets,   no renters.” However, a new owner has been  disability, and that the dog is necessary for  psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker,   seen with a dog who constantly barks. She  her disability. In this case, the resident is  nurse practitioner, etc.) certifying as to the   handed a nurse practitoner’s note to our  asking for an emotional support dog. You  resident’s disability and need for the dog.   board saying that her dog is an emotional  are likely familiar with the term service dog,     e board is very limited as to the infor-  support animal. Is this legal?                            —Tired of the Barking  A  “   e short answer is that  of course being a seeing-eye dog). Service  the request.  if the resident has all of the  dogs are usually professionally trained to   proper documentation, you  provide a service. An emotional support  the request, the board is entitled to impose   may not be able to do anything, and you  dog, as its title implies, provides emotional  reasonable rules and regulations (for exam-  may have to allow the dog,” says Matthew  support to the disabled resident. Emotional  ple, \\\\\\\[a\\\\\\\] dog must be on a leash at all times   W. Gaines, a partner at Marcus, Errico,  support dogs do not need any special type  when in the common areas, no excessive   Emmer & Brooks, P.C., a law   rm with of-    ces in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.  animal, for that matter. Emotional support   “   e applicable law is this circumstance is  dogs are typically part of the treatment for  for mishandling a disabled resident’s re-  the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA). Pur-  suant to the FFHA, if a disabled resident  disability.  needs  a reasonable  accommodation (ex-  ception or waiver to a restriction) in order  disabled resident’s disability is not obvi-  “   is resident is claiming that she has a  a quali  ed professional (doctor, therapist,   but emotional support dogs are also recog-  nized under the FFHA. A service dog, as its  professional certi  es that the resident is dis-  title implies, provides a service to the dis-  abled person (the most common example  board will almost de  nitely have to approve  sheet with an o  setting liability in the same   of training, and can be any type of dog—or  barking, etc.).  a mental disability, as opposed to a physical  quest for a reasonable accommodation, I   “As for what the board can do – if the  the association’s attorney involved immedi-  to request and receive documentation from   mation you can request. Provided that the  accountants directly unless it’s through an   abled and that the dog is necessary, then the  is an escrow account on the trust’s balance   “In the event the board has to approve  stances of that account. Is this weird?  “As there can be serious consequences   would highly recommend that the board get   ately to make sure everything is handled   correctly.”  Communicating With the Board  Q     e way our trustees operate   seems a little unusual to me.    ey   won’t allow us condo owners to   speak or communicate with them or the   employee of the trust. Additionally, there   amount.    ey will not discuss the circum-                     —Sensing Something’s Amiss  A  “Association boards vary   greatly in how they commu-  nicate  with their unit own-  Legal  Q  A&  continued on page 13   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

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