Page 15 - New England Condominium January 2020
P. 15

-JANUARY 2020    
and other technology-based tools. For  computer to track his buildings, Lincoln  ogy. It provides a pathway for manage- 
example, Lincoln says that of the tons of  says, “Things sometimes got lost. Now, it’s  ment and boards to communicate with  fers vendor services in addition to com- 
apps and programs to choose from, his  straightforward and everything is right  residents in a nearly complete format,  munications and management features –  
company doesn’t go a day without Build- 
ium. In fact, he says that he’s been using  
Buildium since his company launched in  are is heavily dependent on initial buy- 
 Buildium’s primary focus is rental  renters or owners. They must register for  who don’t use smartphones or email.  
properties—it manages a total of 750,000  email and text alerts, and – in the case of  
units  in  46  countries  via  10,000  clients.  email, anyway –  
It allows management companies to do  must  check regu- 
credit and  background checks,  create  larly  for  notifica- 
custom rental application forms and syn- 
dicate their rental listings. But even if a  don’t sign up for  
management company  works  with  con- 
dos, co-ops or HOAs,  Buildium offers  don’t check email  
them accounting and administrative tools  messages, 
for tracking payments, generating on- 
demand reports for boards, and taking e- 
payments via the website for monthly fees  Lott  is  Regional  
or other payments. Management compa- 
nies can also streamline maintenance re- 
quests on the site by accepting, respond- 
ing to and generating work orders.  
“I check it at least once a day,” Lincoln  da. According to her, “Our clients use our  for example. The board and building  lations – the breakdown between those  
says. “Whenever we go to a property, we  system to send one single notification to  would likely not be held liable for failing  who will use web-based communication  
make sure we have the correct informa- 
tion so that when we meet the tenants,  or email – or all three. Our system is ben- 
we make sure we have the correct email  eficial  for  bill  payment  reminders,  com- 
address and  we  have  everything  up  to  munity events, maintenance issues, and  
date. Then it syncs with the desktop ver- 
sion.” Before he used his phone, tablet and  
How effective these communications  tiple channels – including direct record- 
in and participation of residents. be they  to residents who don’t have computers, or  with preferred pricing to users for such  
tions. If residents  
text updates or  
may miss commu- 
nications. Janelle  
Account Manager  
for One Call Now, a mass communication  they suffer a fall as a result of the lights be- 
app based in Boston that serves clients  ing turned off for scheduled maintenance  to.’” He finds that in older co-op commu- 
throughout the United States and Cana- 
residents delivered by a phone call, text,  to deliver a warning message, because the  apps and those who won’t is about 50-50.  
One Call Now is a ‘broadcast’ technol- 
with announcements sent through mul- 
ings to land lines, which makes it useful  website that provides essential services,  
If they don’t want to receive notifi- 
cations at all, residents  agreements with its ‘preferred partners’  
can also opt out of the  enable the company to offer clients access  
system entirely. Accord- 
ing to Lott, however, if  
a  resident  does  opt  out,  comfort with and integration of web and  
part of that  opting  out  app-based tools like Bixby and Building- 
includes agreeing to in- 
demnify management for  ally cleaves along generational lines. His  
any damages the resident  company works with management and  
might experience as a re- 
sult  of  them  choosing  to  app and its many benefits, but notes that  
stay out of the loop. Say  “there will always be residents who say,  
that was announced via the alert system,  nities – which generally have older popu- 
resident made it clear they didn’t wish to  In newer condos, where the population  
get one.  
Mark Smucker is a co-founder and  down is about 70-30 in favor of app us- 
CEO of Bixby, another online manage- 
ment tool. Based in New  York City and  
servicing customers worldwide, Bixby of- 
essentially creating a private marketplace  
for Bixby users attached to their app and  
things  as  dry  cleaning,  storage,  moving,  
and insurance. Bixby’s revenue-sharing  
to the partner list at no charge.   
According to Smucker,  residents’  
Link into their lives is mixed, and usu- 
staff to get people comfortable with the  
‘We don’t use apps and we’re never going  
may be somewhat younger, the break- 
ers. It’s even higher in rental properties,  
continued on page 16  
“If we didn’t have  
technology, it would  
be rather diffi  cult to  
        —Chris Lincoln 
A Property Management  
Company You Can Trust 
At J. Butler Property Management, LLC.,  
we measure our success in terms of client  
satisfaction and take a long-term view of  
every relationship. 
James R. Butler IV 
Executive Manager 
•  Family owned and managed Massachusetts  
based property management company 
•  Blends management expertise with open  
communication between the board, unit owners  
and managing agent, making for a healthier property 
•  Superior cost cutting strategies and vendor pricing 
•  Community website, work order system,  
online payments 
•  An in-house maintenance team that is able to reduce  
costs and offer an unparalleled level of service 
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