Page 9 - New England Condominium February 2020
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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -FEBRUARY 2020     9  ■    Depth of Knowledge & Experience  ■    Expert Advice  ■    Creative Approaches & Solutions  ■    Flexible Billing Arrangements  Thomas Bhisitkul  (781) 817-4611  Christopher S. Malloy  (781) 817-4604  Douglas A. Troyer  (781) 817-4605  Thomas O. Moriarty  (781) 817-4603  (781) 817-4900  30 B  RAINTREE   H  ILL   O  FFICE   P  ARK  , S  UITE   205  B  RAINTREE  , MA 02184  (617) 934-4550  265 F  RANKLIN   S  TREET  , S  UITE   1801  B  OSTON  , MA  02110  MTM is a full-service Condominium & Real Estate Law Firm  Experience,  Integrity,  & Drive Set  Us Apart  Uncommon Expertise for your Community of Common Interests  reserve but that monthly charges include a  condominium’s receivables.”  The monthly  the elevators upgraded and the lobby and  the deleterious effect of low reserve funds   line item for replenishment as a condition  common charges and reserve accounts  hallways redecorated. The building’s re-  of the loan purchase.  The third alternative is to replenish re-  serves through financing.  This method is  “Lenders  want  to  see  that  they  have  ad-  more applicable to co-ops than to condos  equate reserves.”  and associations, as co-op properties carry   underlying permanent mortgages against  also affect buyers’ and unit owners’ ability  ual decision,” says Prisand, cautioning that  tor, not so much about the dollars as about   their entire property.  By contrast, in a con-  do or HOA, each unit is held in fee simple  iro, a partner with the law firm of Goodman  replenishing.  Buyers’ attorneys may be un-  as an individual unit of real estate, so an as-  sociation can’t place a lien against the entire  sachusetts and Rhode Island, if a communi-  property.  For co-ops, reserve accounts can  ty’s reserves are scanty, “Owners may not be  done.  Potential lenders will have minimum  bad management, that’s something else al-  be replenished by borrowing and deposit-  ing the proceeds into the reserves, or by tak-  ing a line of credit, along with an underlying  ability of unit owners to obtain mortgages.   path to replenishment, according to all of  saying; it’s also good policy.  Co-op and con-  mortgage, to be tapped when major work is  If I am representing a purchaser, I will ap-  required as an alternative to assessing resi-  dents.  However, says Prisand, “Inadequate  what might come up.  If I am representing  in common charges or maintenance, so the  never know when an emergency will occur,   reserves can also lead to higher interest  an association, I advise them to build up the  financial pain is minimized. All also suggest  that’s why it’s called an emergency.  Keeping   rates, escrows or reserve requirements.”  Options for Condo Associations  In the past few years, some banks and   other lending institutions have begun to   look at financing of condominium asso-  ciations from a different point of view.  Fi-  nancing for capital improvements is now  check off every last item on its ‘replacement  just in case.  available.  “Condos don’t borrow as often  and refurbishment’ list; the boiler has been   as  co-ops,”  says  one  attorney.    “But  there  overhauled, and converted from oil to gas;   is  financing  available  now secured  by  the  the roof and sidewalks have been replaced,  site  He says that   are pledged as collateral against the loan,  serves have been substantially depleted.  Do  guiding the buyer. It’s something that some-  making the reserves even more important.   you need to replenish your reserve accounts  one who isn’t a real estate professional might   As mentioned above, low reserves can  has done all necessary work, it’s an individ-  to finance as well. According to Ellen Shap-  Shapiro and Lombardi, located in both Mas-  able to qualify for FNMA approval on the  reserve requirements that must be met, no  together.”   secondary market. Low reserves affect the  matter how new the boiler may be.  The best   prise them of the risk.  One never knows  through small monthly increases included  savings.  We call those savings reserves.  We   reserves if they are not sufficient.  There is  that reserve funds should never be used  those  reserves at  an acceptable  level  pro-  never a reason for inadequate reserves.”  What if Everything Has Been Done?  Say you live in a successful, mature,  should be increased by two or three percent  them plan for regular maintenance.  Like an   well-functioning co-op in Boston. Over the  each year on a regular basis to keep resi-  past few years, the building has managed to  dents used to the idea of regular increases,  the unexpected, both physically and finan-  to previous levels?  “If it’s a timing issue, and the building  good peek behind the curtain to see how a   there are still potential ramifications of not  the planning.  If there are low reserves, you   comfortable with the low reserves, regard-  less  of  all  the  work  that  has already been  completed that’s one thing, but if it’s from   our experts, is a steady, incremental one –  dominium buildings, like individuals, need   to subsidize monthly charges to residents,  tects the association or corporation and the   and that maintenance or common charges  residents against the unknown and helps   Potential Effects on Unit Sales  Bobby Woofter is a broker with the web-  on sales “Often depends on the professional   too easily overlook.  In reality, it’s a really   building is managed – an important indica-  need a good explanation for the purchaser.    If the low reserves are from work already   Saving for a ‘rainy day’ is not just a cute   insurance policy, reserves guard us against   cially.                n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter with   New England Condominium, and a published   novelist.

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