Page 3 - New England Condominium August 2020
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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -AUGUST 2020    3  Yale Robbins   Publisher  Henry Robbins   Executive Vice President  Joanna DiPaola   Associate Publisher  Hannah Fons   Senior Editor  Darcey Gerstein   Associate Editor  Pat Gale   Associate Editor  Shirly Korchak   Art Director  Anne Anastasi   Production Manager  Alan J. Sidransky   Staff Writer  Alyce Hill   Director of Sales  Copyright 2020 by New England Condominium Magazine LLC, dba Community Association Publishing.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. New England Condominium is published monthly in New York, New York by New England Condominium Magazine LLC, dba Community Association Publishing, 205 Lexington Ave., 12th Floor, New York,   NY 10016. 508-753-4630. ISSN 1550-946X. Periodical postage paid at New York, New York and additional mailing o   ces. Subscriptions are available free by request to condominium and homeowner associations. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to New England Condominium Magazine, 205 Lexington Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016. FREE Subscriptions for Board Members, Trustees, Property Managers and Real Estate Decision   Makers. To Subscribe, please visit us at:   TABLE OF CONTENTS  I         C          . COVID-   ..............    By its very definition, insurance coverage is planned protection against both the   expected and the unexpected. Life insurance clearly provides financial security in   the event of death, which of course is an eventual certainty. But at the same time,   it also provides for circumstances in which someone’s passing is early or sudden.   On the other hand, something like flood insurance provides protection against a   ‘known unknown’—a potential threat that can be prepared for to some degree   through intelligent analysis of risk. As such, insurance is a generally accepted   method of handling potential risk in the business world.  W    N   B     M       N       K    ....... .    Residential communities such as condos, HOAs, and co-ops are unique in that   they take the governance of their properties into their own hands. While most   properties do have managing agents to oversee staff and to handle the day-to-day   operations, ultimately, it’s the board of directors or trustees that makes policy and   determines the continuing health of the community.  H        H             M           8.316  2.618  5.278  2.618  2.926  2.31 4.9145.278  4.592 5.656  8.586 8.586  8.586  19.028  5.3509  3.5239  5.4158  5.6965  2.3909  6.8578  8.7948  2.9666  5.0952  6.1509 3.24474.8436  4.7119  4.5426  2.1631  3.809 4.7025  4.9188

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