Page 4 - New England Condominium September 2020
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4 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -SEPTEMBER 2020    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  Industry Pulse  Events  New England Condo Introduces FREE   Webinars—a New Resource for Boards and   Managers at  New England Condominium  , a Yale   Robbins publication, has been a resource   for the boards, managers, and residents of   condos, HOAs, and co-ops for nearly two   decades, both in print and online—and we   are pleased to announce a new addition to   our toolkit. Yale Robbins Productions has   launched New England Condominium   Webinars, a Cooperator Event, which is   a new series of FREE educational ‘town-  hall’ style webinars, sponsored by leaders   in  the  multifamily  industry  and  focus-  ing on issues and challenges facing today’s   boards. We have assembled expert panels   on everything from legal questions around   the COVID-19 pandemic to optimiz-  ing  your  insurance  coverage  to  disinfect-  ing your community’s pool. Registration   and attendance are FREE to all—just visit, choose the   webinar you’d like to attend, and sign up. It’s   that simple. You’ll get an email link and re-  minders for the event, and will have the op-  portunity to submit questions for the pan-  elists before and during the webinar itself.   Past events are archived and available on-  demand on  Serving on your board is a big job, and a   big responsibility, but sound, timely advice   from industry veterans can help lighten the   load and make your building or association   run more smoothly. We’re committed to   helping you achieve that, and look forward   to ‘seeing’ you at an upcoming webinar!  MEEB Lawyers Featured in Webinar on    COVID Challenges  Have you fretted about the many ways   in which the COVID-19 pandemic has af-  fected your community? Capital projects,   vendor relations, use of amenities, elections   — nearly every aspect of community asso-  ciation operations has been impacted over   the past six months.  If you’ve wondered about the best ways   of dealing with these issues — and about   the steps (and missteps other communities   have taken) in facing these challenges,   New   England Condominium   has a great resource   for you!  In August, Richard Brooks, Janet Oulou-  sian Aronson, and Mark Einhorn, partners   at Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks PC.,   presented a ‘virtual town hall’ webinar as   part of Yale Robbins Publications’ FREE ed-  ucational series. “COVID Complications –   Unraveling the Pandemic’s Financial, Physi-  cal, and Administrative Crisis for HOAs”   encompassed a wide-ranging, informative   exploration of those issues, and more, that   are facing HOA communities during this   complicated, stressful time.  Did you miss this outstanding program?   Don’t worry! You can watch an archived   video of the webinar at your convenience.   Visit to see   what these legal experts have to say about   keeping  your  community on an  even  keel   these days.  This legal webinar is just one in the on-  going series being offered by Yale Robbins   Productions. To attend  upcoming webinars,   visit Regis-  tration and attendance are FREE to all—just   choose the webinar you’d like to attend, and   sign up. It’s that simple. You’ll get an email   link and reminders for the event, and will   have  the  opportunity  to  submit  questions   for the panelists before and during the webi-  nar itself. Past events are archived and avail-  able on demand on  events.  Regional Golf Tourneys on Tap  The New England Chapter of the Com-  munity Associations Institute (CAI) will   hold its 28th annual Golf Tournament on   Thursday, September 10, at the Walpole   Country Club in Walpole,  Massachusetts.   The tournament, postponed from June, in-  cludes lunch, tournament give-aways, priz-  es, and trophies. Registration information is   available at  The Boston Metropolitan Chapter of   the Institute of Real Estate Management   (IREM) will hold its “Home for Our Troops”   golf tournament on Monday, September 14,   at the Granite Links Golf Club in Quincy,   Massachusetts. For details and registration,   visit  The New Hampshire Chapter of CAI will   hold its 21st annual tourney on Thursday,   September 24, at the Lyman Orchards Golf   Club in Middlefield, Connecticut. Registra-  tion and breakfast are at 8 am, shotgun start   at 9, and lunch banquet with awards at 2 pm.   Register at  Building Owners and Managers Asso-  ciation (BOMA) Boston will hold its annual   golf  tournament  on  Monday,  September   28 at the Pinehills Golf Club in Plymouth,   PULSE  A NEW   WEBINAR  SERIES!   Tune in, ask questions,   and gain professional    insight to help your    community thrive!  Sponsored by experts from across the multifamily   residential industry, our   FREE ‘town hall’   style    conversations cover the issues board members   and managers deal with every day.  FREE REGISTRATION AT NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM/EVENTS  continued on page 13 

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