Page 5 - New England Condominium February 2021
P. 5

NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -FEBRUARY 2021     5  Disclaimer: Th  e answers provided in this Q&A   column are of a general nature and cannot   substitute for professional advice regarding your   specifi c circumstances. Always seek the advice of   competent legal counsel or other qualifi ed profes-  sionals with any questions you may have regard-  ing technical or legal issues.  Legal  Q  A&  A Property Management   Company You Can Trust  At J. Butler Property Management, LLC.,   we measure our success in terms of client   satisfaction and take a long-term view of   every relationship.  978.694.9004  James R. Butler IV  Executive Manager  •  Family owned and managed Massachusetts   based property management company  •  Blends management expertise with open   communication between the board, unit owners   and managing agent, making for a healthier property  •  Superior cost cutting strategies and vendor pricing  •  Community website, work order system,   online payments  •  An in-house maintenance team that is able to reduce   costs and offer an unparalleled level of service   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  This Is for the Birds…  Q  I have lived in my condo for more   than a decade, and every winter,   I (and a couple of other owners)   have fed the birds with no problems. Watch-  ing the birds has been a comfort to me, es-  pecially this year with so many other activi-  ties limited due to the pandemic.  However, last month some residents   complained  that  the  bird  seed  was  caus-  ing an infl ux of mice. I’m not sure if it re-  ally is the bird feeding that’s the problem,   or just an unusual winter season. Aft er the   complaints, my condo board announced   new rules that prohibit this activity. Th  is   was done with no input from the major-  ity of residents as far as I can see. With the   pandemic, there have not been any public   meetings. I’m not sure how they could have   enacted this without a discussion and vote.  Can the board enforce this rule? It seems   arbitrary, since this has never been an issue   before, and could be a short-term problem   unrelated to any bird-feeding activity.                                            —Cheep Th  rills  A  “In most  instances, your  not unreasonably prohibit unit owners from  because a board can do something, doesn’t   condominium association’s  feeding birds on common areas.   board has the exclusive au-  thority to operate the common areas, in-  cluding enacting rules which it reasonably  by language requiring it to make reasoned  board usually has the last say, so long as it   believes will  prevent damage to  property,”  and fair decisions while operating the com-  says Frank Lombardi, partner in Lombardi  mon areas. Here, I suggest that you perhaps  tion of rules. Th  e pushback, briefl y, would   Law Group in Lincoln, Rhode Island. “Th  is  ask the board how it arrived at its decision.  be to get in front of the board somehow and   includes what it perceives as a need to avoid  Was the bird-feeding ban a knee jerk reac-  the migration or infi ltration of rodents, in-  cluding, as here, mice and of course, their  only aft er a good faith investigation? If it is  ity of the community.   distant cousins, squirrels—if it has proven  the former, the next step would be to pres-  the nexus between the birds and the mice.  “Th  at said, there are two exceptions or  there is no nexus between the birds and  ing to birds heralding a brand new day?”    conditions. First, the board’s authority here  the mice, etc. If it is the latter, then perhaps   may be limited in some way by language in  measures could be suggested where there   the condominium’s governing documents.  is limited feeding of birds so as to in turn   Take for example—however far fetched, but  limit or manage the risk of mice migration.   still possible—that the developer of your  For example, we usually put jalapeño pep-  condominium was a longstanding mem-  ber of the Audubon Society and wanted his  squirrels from eating the seeds. Or, perhaps,   project to refl ect his belief in the mainte-  nance of bird habitats. As a consequence, he  unit owners for discussion.   had inserted into his governing documents   language to the eff ect that the board may  joled boards countless times before, just   “Possible, but not likely. What is in fact   more likely is that a board’s power is limited  less otherwise set out in the documents, the   tion to a complaint, or instead put in place  and in fact contribute to the overall livabil-  ent  evidence  to the contrary; that  is, that  a cup of coff ee in the morning while listen-  per on the bird seed to discourage mice and   bring it up at the next annual meeting of   “As I’ve said, preached, persuaded, ca-  necessarily mean it should do something.  “To the original inquiry, however, un-  is reasonable in its application or promulga-  suggest/prove that the birds are harmless   “Aft er all, who really doesn’t enjoy having    n

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