Page 6 - New England Condominium February 2021
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6 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -FEBRUARY 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  O  FFICE  OCATIONS N  L  I B  OSTON  A  ND   N  ORTH  A  NDOVER  with on a day-to-day basis,” says Hughes,   “but that isn’t necessarily a good thing.   Although in those communities board   micromanagement isn’t an issue, it’s often   difficult to influence the board to make   needful decisions. This demands extra   time from the manager to educate and re-  educate on circumstances and issues, and   often manifests as deferred maintenance   if the budget isn’t properly funded or the   manager isn’t empowered to take care of   the property.”  At the same time, a board that is   too  engaged can make management of the   property difficult. “Part of the fiduciary   responsibility for the board is to over-  see management,” says Hughes, “but this   doesn’t take away from the board’s pri-  mary duties to cast vision and to vote.   If they’re   too   involved in the day-to-day,   they lose the  perspective that  they  need   to have to focus on the greater macro-  picture of the property.” Hughes concedes   that board micromanagement is some-  times a reaction to previous experiences   with poor management. But just as often,   “boards are  simply over-engaged  thanks   to members’ control issues, or as a result   of politics within the board creating fear   and anxiety.”  Hughes goes on to say that an appro-  priately engaged board is the best balance  disciplining staff, they undermine man-  for the community and for management.  agement’s authority, which just makes it  skillset, and some of this is personality. In   “The  board  should  be  engaged  beyond  harder to run the building.”   the monthly meetings,” he says, “but not   so engaged that they burn out and can’t  with a complaint will find a sympathetic  good fit. Sometimes management can just   review things objectively. Perhaps some  board member who will listen—which  ride out an antagonistic board, but in an   managers prefer the board not be in-  volved, but we find it’s best when there is  but in reality “often creates conflict and  qualified  managers,  some  of  the  toxicity   a true partnership.”  In terms of how board style affects  “The board’s responsibility is to make  ment to consider whether a particular as-  his ability to effectively manage a client  policy and procedure; it’s the manager’s  sociation relationship is doing more harm   property, Wollman says, “When a board  responsibility to carry it out. We institute  than good.”  is busy with minutia, it’s hard to manage.  it.”  If we’re discussing what kind of flowers to   put in the lobby for   an hour, we can’t get   things done. We don’t   need to discuss flow-  ers for an hour—it’s   not  productive. The   board should make   that decision without   me.”  M i c r o ma na g -  ing from the board   also  short-circuits  a building’s or as-  sociation’s chain of   command, Wollman   adds. “Board members really shouldn’t  the role of the manager and management  ly not helpful, and can lead to problems in   involve themselves in managing the staff,”  is to adapt. But by ‘adapt,’ I don’t mean  decision making and conflict with other   he says. “They should leave that to us. Say  that the management company or man-  for instance that a doorman is inappropri-  ately dressed. It’s the super’s job to speak  rather that they recognize what attributes  to make decisions—which is not to sug-  to him. If a board member starts directly  they will need to utilize most for this par-  Sometimes a building staff member  the strength to recognize if it just isn’t a   on its face might not seem problematic,  industry with an ever-shrinking pool of   mucks up the system,” says Wollman.  levied by boards should cause manage-  Pros & Cons from Both Perspectives  As with a mar-  riage,  managers  can’t go into a re-  lationship  with  an  certain respects. From the perspective of   elected  board in-  tending to change  guessing from others in the building if   it; they have to be  things don’t go well. People don’t care   prepared and will-  ing to meet the  when it works well. When things go awry,   board where they  that changes. In truth, this type of board   are, and work with  approach is poor governance, even if it   whatever dynamic  generally works well on a practical level.”  presents itself.  According  to  Hughes, “Part of  pursue a personal agenda. That’s definite-  ager should change who they are—but  he says, collaborative boards take longer   ticular board and property. Some of this is   the end, management also needs to have   “The truth,” adds Wollman, “is that   with an autocratic board, I’m usually   dealing  with  the  president  only. Lots  of   times, just dealing with one person makes   it easier for me to manage the building in   the board, though, it can lead to second-  what’s happening and how it happens—  Wollman suggests that a bigger prob-  lem is when people get on the board to   board  members and  residents. Overall,   gest  that  it  takes  forever,  but  that  issues   BOARD STYLE...  continued from page 1  “The board should   be engaged beyond the   monthly meetings, but   not so engaged that   they burn out and can’t   review things objectively.”            — Bryan Hughes

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