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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -MARCH 2021     5  Legal  Q  A&  ■    Depth of Knowledge & Experience  ■    Expert Advice  ■    Creative Approaches & Solutions  ■    Flexible Billing Arrangements  (781) 817-4900  O NE   A  DAMS   P  LACE  , 859 W  ILLARD   S  TREET  , S  UITE   440  Q  UINCY  , MA  02169  MTM is a full-service Condominium & Real Estate Law Firm  Experience,  Integrity,  & Drive Set  Us Apart  Uncommon Expertise for your Community of Common Interests  Thomas Bhisitkul  (617) 934-4603  Kimberly A. Bielan  (781) 817-4607  Christopher S. Malloy   (617) 934-4604  Douglas A. Troyer  (781) 817-4605  Thomas O. Moriarty  (781) 817-4603  (617) 934-4550  265 F  RANKLIN   S  TREET  , S  UITE   1801  B  OSTON  , MA  02110  (508) 459-8516  39 T  OWN   H  ALL   S  QUARE  F  ALMOUTH  , MA  02540  QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Stretched Beyond Limits  Q  My  condo association  has  fi ve   board members. Th  e term of ser-  vice is three years, which is clear-  ly stated in our governing docs. Our asso-  ciation was to have an election in November   2020, for three seats. Th  eir three-year terms   were ending on December 31, 2020.  When owners reached out to our prop-  erty management company to become can-  didates for the election, the company re-  plied via email that there were no open seats   until the end of 2021, so there would be no   election in 2020.  Our meeting minutes documented when   these  three  board  members  were  elected,   and our condo docs clearly state the length   of the term, so these three board members   appear  to  have  unilaterally  extended  their   terms—in violation of our condo, without   owner approval, and with the assistance of   the property management company.  To further this injustice, the Certifi cate   of Election that was fi led at the Registry of   Deeds when these three members’ terms   started was fi led with the false information  still a driving force for decision-makers and  circumstances are unprecedented, novel ac-  that their terms were to last until the end of  the daily news media was reporting that our  tions meant to address the situation are be-  2021, which would be a four-year term.   My question is: What legal action can be  aging citizens to forgo even getting together   taken against the three board members and  for Th  anksgiving with their families. While  of the fact that the subject board members   the property  management company, for fi l-  ing false documents, refusal to provide an  ty manager’s statement that there were no  at a specifi c time but were on a certifi cate   election, an violation or condo docs?                                 —Crushed Candidate  A  “Th  e fact pattern presented  (or perhaps occurring only via internet and  that these board members were appointed   by this question is quite spe-  cifi c. At the same time, there  a result, the next election would be put out  year) and then either elected or appointed   are additional facts that bear on the analysis  for another year.   and which are not set forth in the descrip-  tion.  Given the information presented, I  tions do routinely state that the board mem-  will do my best to provide a thorough re-  sponse,” says Gary M. Daddario, Partner at  members serve until their successors are  was calculated at four years instead of three.   Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks in Brain-  tree, Massachusetts.   “In November 2020, a lot of associations  essary extension of terms of existing board  may be on record and may have changed   that would have had annual or other meet-  ings saw those meetings cancelled because  seem to indicate that judges are allowing a  to either create or preserve staggered terms   of the governing board’s concerns relative to  wide breadth to decision-makers dealing  among board members.  the pandemic. At that time, COVID-19 was  with pandemic-related issues. Because the   federal and state governments were encour-  I do not know this for certain, the proper-  open seats until the end of 2021 may have  that put their term at four years. Without   actually meant to convey that the associa-  tion’s annual meeting was not occurring  only possible to theorize.  One possibility is   thus not including an election) and that, as  to complete an unfi nished term (perhaps a   “Th  e governing documents of associa-  bers serve specifi c terms, but also that board  an error was made and somehow the term   elected. So, it is possible that a lack of elec-  tion due to the pandemic served as a nec-  members. Th  e court cases reported thus far  the length of terms. Sometimes this is done   ing accepted.   “Th  e question also includes mention   were documented to have joined the board   examining the relevant documentation, it is   to an additional term (which, according   to the question, would be three years). Of   course, there is always the possibility that   Another  possibility  is  that  an  amendment   to the association’s governing documents   continued on page 10 

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