Page 12 - New England Condominium September 2021
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12 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -SEPTEMBER 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  YOUR BOARD’S ATTENDANCE    IS NOT REQUIRED.    BUT IT SHOULD BE.   BOSTON CONVENTION CENTER, BOSTON — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 10-3:30    FREE REGISTRATION: NE-EXPO.COM  THE NEW ENGLAND  CONDOMINIUM  EXPO  2021  WHERE BUILDINGS MEET SERVICES   ous reasons, but usually it’s when the cur-  rent owner or steward of the property is   putting the value of property at risk.” The   receiver could be requested by a creditor,   a group of tenant shareholders, or even an   individual owner. They will petition the   court to appoint a temporary receiver to   put everything at the property on an even   keel.  According to Jennifer Barnett, a   partner with Marcus, Errico, Emmer &   Brooks, a law firm located in Braintree,   Massachusetts, “The appointment of a re-  ceiver is to preserve assets for all parties   who have an interest in it.” She adds that   it’s only used where it appears that in its   absence, the property would be subject to   damaging waste or loss.  When Is a Receivership Used?  Receivership is designed to rescue real   property from irresponsible manage-  ment—whether intentional or uninten-  tional. “Somebody has to take control   when you’re in a difficult situation,” says   Scott Piekarsky, an attorney with Phillips   Nizer, located in Hackensack, New Jer-  sey. “When a property has no money—if   funds were stolen, for instance—vendors   can’t be paid, maybe there’s no manager,   and no insurance coverage due to a lapsed   policy because the premium wasn’t paid.   A mechanism is necessary to stabilize   the property for the health and safety of   residents, and to rescue a situation. That’s   when a receivership is necessary.”  “Sometimes a receivership can be used   when dealing with a corrupt co-op board,”   adds McCracken. “We have had occasions   where the best solution is a receiver. For   instance, a co-op board controlled by an   entity who’s not looking out for co-op”—  perhaps a sponsor or investor—“and there   is no other alternative other than to seek a   receiver. It’s a drastic remedy.”  “It’s appropriate when a property can’t   be run effectively and something is need-  ed to operate the building,” says Barnett.   On a more micro level, she says, “I’ve seen   it brought against unit owners with seri-  ous problems like hoarding, bedbugs, etc.”  it’s not always a simple solution.   Barnett also recalls  a  situation in  which   a municipality brought action against an   association over lack of elevator repairs.  the board isn’t protecting the value of the  doesn’t get kicked out on the street. You   “The association said they didn’t have  property, the appointment of a receiver  consent to guardianship in order to pro-  money to do repairs,” she says. “We got  may be an improvement over the current  tect their interest. It is focused on a per-  them to the table with a receivership to  board. If a receiver does step in, they do  son instead of real property.”  get the repairs done. It’s also used in in-  stances where a property can’t operate  temporarily. Once appointed, the receiver  ney, conservatorship is more of an emer-  because of dysfunction, or lack of formal  would make the decisions on whether to  gency situation, says Barnett. If someone   organization.” Barnett also cites a small  keep the managing agent, the corpora-  association in Dorchester, Massachusetts.  tion’s legal counsel, and so forth.    “No bills were getting paid. The client had   been paying invoices as they came in, so  board doesn’t control the real property  risk) and the  family  won’t  intervene,  a   the court instituted a receivership.”   Piekarsky recounts a case some years  ership is based, says McCracken. “To   ago where an asso-  ciation filed for bank-  ruptcy protection. He   represented the man-  agement  company.  “Sometimes  there  are   such problems that   the court says we need   to get things on track   to  straighten things   out, so let’s bring in a   receiver. In New Jer-  sey this is known as   a ‘special fiscal agent.’   We got the property   on track in a year’s   time, and then had   new elections for a   new board.”    One  important  factor to keep in mind   is that receivership is   designed to be impar-  tial—though its repu-  tation may suggest otherwise. Receivers  ally easier to substitute a receiver for a  ciation or individual, depending on the   themselves are appointed by the court,  managing agent  to  run  the  whole  prop-  and answer only to the court. They aren’t  erty.  beholden to any other interested party   which might seek to influence the process   or outcome. That being said, however,   receivers, like those who send properties   into financial turmoil, are subject to hu-  man frailties. Many attorneys are reluc-  tant to push for receivership out of fears   that the receiver will be no more honest   than the entity that caused the problem.   Receivership fees can be high as well—so   Co-ops vs. Condos  If you are a shareholder in a co-op and  bers involved, so \[the struggling resident\]   so as a replacement for the board, at least   In a condominium it’s harder. A condo  for themselves (or puts other residents at   where most of the control of a receiv-  the best of my  there is a difference between a conserva-  knowledge,  for  a  torship and a guardianship. “If one can no   condo a receiver  longer handle one’s affairs, it’s a guardian-  only makes sense  ship—not a conservatorship. A conserva-  where there is a  tor is by consent; you haven’t lost your   substantial block  mind yet. Once you’ve lost your mind, it’s   of unsold units—  as in newly built  called a civil commitment, where some-  or newly formed  one can be put in a facility to care for   condominiums.”  The  other  question is: who  for—and different thresholds for invok-  are you appoint-  ing  a receiver  without saying that no matter the scale of   for? McCracken  the situation, it’s vital to consult compe-  explains  that a  tent legal professionals licensed to prac-  receiver might be  tice in your area to help guide you through   appointed  for  an  the options available in your specific case,   individual  unit  for  instance, to   make  sure com-  mon  charges are  is a court-appointed, highly qualified,   paid. But in a co-  op,  it’s  conceptu-  Conservatorships  Conservatorship (or guardianship, as  get a property or estate running smoothly   it’s also known in some states) is the ap-  pointment of someone to protect the in-  terests and estate of an individual. “It’s   usually for mental health situations,” says   McCracken. In a co-op or condo context,   it’s usually considered when an elderly or   infirm person cannot take care of them-  selves. “We might seek a guardian to help   them manage  their affairs,”  McCracken   continues. “It’s a way to get family mem-  Unlike something like power of attor-  becomes disabled, she explains, or an el-  derly person in a condo can’t properly care   conservator may become necessary.  In  New Jersey,  Piekarsky points  out,   a guardianship. There’s also something   them.”   Different states have different terms   ing—these powerful legal tools, so it goes   and determine the best way forward.    In the long run, the benefit of receiv-  erships and conservatorship is that there   licensed and insured person looking out   for the best interest of a struggling asso-  legal mechanism employed. They are fi-  duciaries, acting impartially on a court’s   direction to fix a difficult situation and   again.     n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter for   New England Condominium, and the author of   several published novels.  RECEIVERSHIP...  continued from page 1  “The appointment   of a receiver is to   preserve assets for   all parties who have   an interest in it. It’s   appropriate when   a property can’t   be run effectively   and something is   needed to operate the   building.”     —Jennifer Barnett

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