Page 14 - New England Condominium September 2021
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14 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -SEPTEMBER 2021    NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  Flynn Law Group  185 Devonshire St., Suite 401 • Boston, MA 02110  617-988-0633  “Quality Representation at Reasonable Rates - $150/Hr.”  Contact Attorney Frank Flynn  ATTORNEYS  See Our Display Ad on Page 14  Condominium and Real Estate Law  Phone: (781) 817-4900    Direct: (781) 817-4603  Fax:     (781) 817-4910  We may be dressed up, but we aren’t afraid to   get our hands dirty.  Merrill & McGeary  100 State Street, Suite 200  Boston, MA 02109  617-523-1760 • Fax 617-523-4893  Contact: Mike Merrill, Esq.  ACCOUNTANTS  David A. Levy, CPA, P.C.    Certified Public Accountants  20 Freeman Place  Needham, MA  02492  Tel:  (617) 566-3645       (866) 842-0108  Fax:  (866) 681-2377    DAL  CPA  Accounting • Auditing • Taxes • Consulting  Worcester 67 Millbrook Street   508-797-5200  Grafton  80 Worcester Street  508-839-0020  Holden  795 Main Street   508-829-5544  M Love Associates,  &  LLC  Certified Public Accountants  Serving Condominium Associations  mlove 2.25 x 2.5 condo association color 9.19.2017.indd   1  9/19/17   12:59 PM  See Our Display Ad on Page 11  185 Devonshire Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02110  Quality Representation at Reasonable Rates.  (617) 988-0633  Contact Attorney Frank Flynn:  FRANK@FLYNNLAW-NE.COM  Flynn_E4C.qxp:Layout 1  12/8/14  2:30 PM  Page 1  Please submit Pulse items to  Pat Gale at  DAL  CPA  David A. Levy, CPA, P.C.  Certified Public Accountants  Areas of expertise in Condominiums   ■  Cooperatives   ■  Timeshares  ALL COMMON INTEREST DEVELOPMENTS  Call our office for a complimentary review of your financial needs  617-566-3645 or 866-842-0108  20 Freeman Place, Needham, MA 02492  DavidALevy_E4C_NEC_Sept15:Layout 1  10/7/2015  3:54 PM  Page 1  SERVICING THE EAST COAST FOR OVER 30 YEARS  Member AICPA, CAI-NE  5 0 8  -4 4-4  7  66  3  DON’T REPLACE YOUR ROOF…  REJUVENATE IT WITH ROOF MAXX!  The Peabody Companies, she was honored   as “a leader in the real estate industry, with   a commitment to community, service, and   high-quality affordable housing.”   JALSA was established in 2001 and is de-  voted to engaging the community in promot-  ing civil rights, protecting civil liberties, and   achieving social, economic, environmental,   and racial justice.  “I am so honored to receive this award,”   said Fish-Will. “This organization is near to   my heart, and its mission is one that I believe   in deeply. I am so grateful for this recognition,   and look forward to continuing my commit-  ment to the goals of JALSA.”  Real Estate and   Development  MA  Condo  Sales  Strong,  Single-Family   Sales Slip  The Warren Group recently reported that   condominium sales were firm in July, while   single-family home sales have dipped com-  pared to year ago. According to a release   from The Warren Group, 2,897 condos were   sold in Massachusetts in July, up 16.5% from   the July 2020 total of 2,487, and 17.6% higher   than the July 2019 total of 2,463 transactions.  The median sales price for a condominium   sold in Massachusetts in July was $470,000,   up 9.3% from the same month a year ago, the   report noted. July marked the 12th straight   month that the median condo price has been   above $400,000. Taking a longer view, the   median condo price was up 20.5% compared   to June 2019’s price of $390,000.  “The  condo  market  continues  to  be  a   bright spot in the Massachusetts housing   market, but I’m curious if this level of activ-  ity can be sustained,” Warren said. “With the   (COVID-19) delta variant now dominant   and evidence of the effectiveness of vaccines   wearing off, prospective condo buyers may   once again turn cautious.”  Year to date, there have been 16,777 con-  dos sold in Massachusetts, a remarkable   40.4% increase from the first seven months   of 2020.  In the same report, The Warren Group   said that sales of single-family homes in Mas-  sachusetts totaled 6,327 in July, a 7.6% decline   from the same month a year ago and down   1.5% from July 2019.  “The chickens may have finally come   home to roost for Massachusetts homebuy-  ers,” said CEO Tim Warren.  Since the start of the third quarter of 2020,   “it was apparent that based on the flurry of   sales, paired with the ever-shrinking inven-  tory of single-family homes across the state,   that it was only a matter of time before we saw   sales start to slide on a year-over-year basis.”  n    PULSE...  continued from page 4  See Our Display Ad on Page 14

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