Page 5 - New England Condominiium December 2021
P. 5

NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -DECEMBER 2021     5  Disclaimer: Th  e answers provided in this Q&A   column are of a general nature and cannot   substitute for professional advice regarding your   specifi c circumstances. Always seek the advice of   competent legal counsel or other qualifi ed profes-  sionals with any questions you may have regard-  ing technical or legal issues.  QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Legal  Q  A&  Is “Relatively” Qualifi ed Good Enough?  Q  . Th  e person who serves as the   “maintenance  guy”  for our asso-  ciation is the brother of one of the   board members. We feel he is doing a lousy   job and have complained numerous times, to   no eff ect. He apparently does not have a writ-  ten contract with the association, but does   have the approval of the board to do our land-  scaping, snow removal, and any in-unit main-  tenance that is determined to be the responsi-  bility of the association.   Is there a way for residents to force the   board to hire someone who is really qualifi ed,   rather than this person who simply has “con-  nections” to a board member?                             —Dissatisfi ed Owner  A  “Unfortunately, there is likely   no ‘quick fi x’ solution to the   scenario  presented,”  says  Kimberly A. Bielan,  principal at Moriarty   Troyer & Malloy LLC in Quincy, Massachu-  setts. “However, there are steps that can be   taken to assess the unit owner’s options rela-  tive to the board’s retention of a related main-  tenance man that is performing in a sub-par  be possible to remove the board members  currence of time and attorney’s fees and costs   manner.  “As with most issues facing condomini-  ums, a review of the governing documents is  al, and the governing documents will provide   the best starting point, as the documents may  direction as to how to call a special meeting  by the board’s actions in this instance are ill-  provide an answer to the question or guid-  ance. Th  e unit owner should read through the  members so that the matter may be addressed.  condominium’s governing documents to as-  certain whether there is any specifi c prohibi-  tion associated with engaging a person related  about the circumstance, making the foregoing  Recommended provisions include, among   to a board member, or some similar language  path unlikely of success, then the unit owner  other things, that the individual performing   that may provide support for the unit owner’s  may still have options. While there is really no  the work be properly licensed for any work   position. Governing documents establish-  ing or regulating unit owners’ organizations,  a particular action, dependent on the specifi c  surance coverage, which policy should name   such as a declaration of trust, typically include  factual  circumstances,  there  could  be  facts  the association as an additional insured.”        provisions relating to self-dealing by board  that support the initiation of a lawsuit against   members. While the described scenario is  the board. (By way of example only, and not   distinguishable as it concerns the engagement  supported by the facts that have been present-  of a family member, rather than the board  ed to date, the board member could be receiv-  members themselves, it is possible (even if  ing some personal benefi t from engaging their   unlikely) that there is a specifi c prohibition  brother, which would place their interests in   against the retention of an individual related  a manner adverse to the association.) In such   to a board member.  “If the governing documents do not an-  swer the question, and enough unit owners  ing the arrangement. While obtaining a court   are upset about the circumstance, then it may  order may be a high hurdle (and entail the in-  so that the arrangement can be terminated.  by the unit owner), it could be appropriate de-  Board members are always subject to remov-  and to remove and replace a number of board  advised. As it does not appear the mainte-  “In the event there are not a suffi  cient  there should be a written contract setting forth   number of unit owners that are concerned  the individual’s obligations to the association.   way for a unit owner to force a board to take  performed and that he maintain adequate in-  scenario, a court may order the board to act   in a particular manner, including by terminat-  pendent upon the factual circumstances.   “As an aside, the circumstances presented   nance man is an employee of the association,   n

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