Page 3 - New England Condominium April 2022
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-APRIL 2022    
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Living in a dense urban or suburban multifamily setting often means living without easy  Ever since the end of World War II—and the widespread prosperity that brought about a  
access to nature. Many residents in these housing environments crave some sort of out- historic baby boom, a healthy middle class, and suburban sprawl—a vibrant, manicured  
door space—if not a private one like a balcony or deck adjoining their unit, then a well- lawn has been synonymous with the American domestic ideal. Even for the many multi- 
landscaped common area. While the appeal of such spaces is undeniable, it’s often difficult  family communities built in that postwar era, whether in the heart of the city or in the  
for housing associations and corporations to select, design, and maintain an area that may  commuter hinterlands, nothing says “welcome home” quite like a swathe of healthy grass  
not be optimally suited for the purpose thanks to everything from space constraints to soil  (with or without a literal white picket fence).  
conditions to lack of sunlight.  
A L      W   ......  
One of the enduring facts of home ownership is that maintaining your abode is never  
really done. There’s always something that needs to be upgraded or updated.  That is dou- 
bly true in multifamily communities. Whether you’re in an urban high-rise or a suburban  
townhome development, there are common areas ranging from lobbies to hallways to  
clubhouses that need some TLC on a regular basis in order to remain attractive, func- 
tional, and safe. 
B      G       L    C   ......  
Yale Robbins  
Henry Robbins  
Executive Vice President 
Joanna DiPaola 
 Associate Publisher 
Hannah Fons  
Managing Editor 
Darcey Gerstein 
 Associate Editor 
Pat Gale 
 Associate Editor 
Shirly Korchak 
 Art Director 
Anne Anastasi  
Production Manager 
Alan J. Sidransky  
Staff Writer 
Alyce Hill  
Director of Sales 
Copyright 2022 by New England Condominium Magazine LLC, dba Community Association Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. New England Condominium is published monthly in New York, New York by New England Condominium Magazine LLC, dba Community Association Publishing, 205 Lexington Ave., 5th Floor, New York,  
NY 10016. 508-753-4630. ISSN 1550-946X. Periodical postage paid at New York, New York and additional mailing o   ces. Subscriptions are available free by request to condominium and homeowner associations. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to New England Condominium Magazine, 205 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016. FREE Subscriptions for Board Members, Trustees, Property Managers and Real Estate Decision  
Makers. To Subscribe, please visit us at:  
A Property Management  
Company You Can Trust 
At J. Butler Property Management, LLC.,  
we measure our success in terms of client  
satisfaction and take a long-term view of  
every relationship. 
James R. Butler IV 
Executive Manager 
•  Family owned and managed Massachusetts  
based property management company 
•  Blends management expertise with open  
communication between the board, unit owners  
and managing agent, making for a healthier property 
•  Superior cost cutting strategies and vendor pricing 
•  Community website, work order system,  
online payments 
•  An in-house maintenance team that is able to reduce  
costs and offer an unparalleled level of service  
P    ......  

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