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COMING UP  Publisher  Yale Robbins  Executive Vice President  Henry Robbins  Associate Publisher  Joanna DiPaola  Advertising Director  Alyce M. Hill  Senior Editor  Hannah Fons  Associate Editors  David Chiu  Pat Gale  Staff Writers  Michael Odenthal  Alan J. Sidransky  Art Director  Shirly Korchak  Production Manager  Aetna Dowst  Traffic Coordinator  Victor Marcos  Copyright 2019 by New England   Condominium Magazine LLC, dba Community   Association Publishing. All rights reserved.    No part of this publication may be reproduced    or transmitted in any form or by any    means without prior written permission.  New England Condominium is published   monthly in New York, New York by    New England Condominium Magazine LLC,   dba Community Association Publishing, 205   Lexington Ave., 12th Floor, New York, NY   10016. 508-753-4630. ISSN 1550-946X.   Periodical postage paid at New York,    New York and additional mailing offices.  Subscriptions are available free by request    to condominium and homeowner associations.  POSTMASTER: Please send address changes   to New England Condominium Magazine,    205 Lexington Avenue, 12th Floor,    New York, NY 10016.  FREE Subscriptions for Board Members,   Trustees, Property Managers and    Real Estate Decision Makers.  To Subscribe, please visit us at:   TABLE OF CONTENTS  THIS MONTH’S FOCUS: LAW & LEGISLATION  THE CONDO, HOA & CO-OP RESOURCE  CONDOMINIUM  NEW ENGLAND  NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -JUNE 2019     3  4    Pulse/Calendar   5    Legal Q&A  14    Legal Directory  17   Maintenance:   Video Intercom   Systems   22   Marketplace  DEPARTMENTS:  Legal & Legislative Update 2019    By A J Sidransky  Laws, and the legal decisions that support and enforce them, are constantly evolving and   can affect every facet of community life in HOAs, condominiums and co-ops. While law   and legal cases can emanate from any of our three levels of government –  federal, state or   local – most of the developments that affect housing come from the bottom up, with local   and state law often defining or redefining what co-op, condo, HOA, and even owners of   rental housing may and may not do within the law.   8 Governing by the Book    By Mike Odenthal  Most newly-elected condo or co-op board members aren’t experts in running a   multifamily building or development. They may be eager, enthusiastic, and committed to   serving their community. But they also probably have little idea of how to do that until   they’ve learned a bit more through experience. Fortunately, co-ops, condos and HOAs all   have an established set of governing documents laying out the rules that everyone in the   community must follow.   Board Misconduct  By Mike Odenthal  Everyone – including the boards and managers of community associations – inevitably   makes mistakes, or is guilty of using poor judgment. And while it’s very unlikely that every   member of a community will commit outright illegal acts, it’s also not that uncommon.   10  Management: Absent Owners  By A J Sidransky  Once upon a time, you usually greeted your neighbor in the hallway of your building as   you’re coming or going. But you haven’t seen or heard a peep from her in almost two   months. You wonder if she is okay.    12  6  July   Budget & Finance  August   Insurance/Board Training  September   Energy & the Environment  October   Board Operations   November   Building Maintenance  December   Safety & Security  January  Management

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