Page 5 - New England Condominium March 2020
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NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM -MARCH 2020 5 Industry Pulse Industry News Allcock Takes on Two CAI Roles Edmund Allcock, a partner in the Braintree, Massachusetts law firm Mar- cus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks, PC, recent- ly assumed two new positions: president of the New England Chapter of the Com- munity Associations Institute (CAI) and chair of CAI-National’s College of Com- munity Association Lawyers (CCAL). Heading CCAL, Allcock says, “will make me more attuned to things that are going on nationally, and I can bring what I learn about national issues and trends back to the local chapter.” In both posi- tions, he plans to focus on using edu- cation to improve the image of condo- miniums and increase the influence of industry leaders at the national and local levels. In 2017, Allcock was elected to the CCAL Board of Governors; his presi- dency began on January 1, 2020. He also serves on the CCAL Law Seminar Plan- ning, and is currently the co-chair of CCAL’s amicus committee. Sterling Remodeling & Restoration Launched David and Debbie Levy, who recently sold their award-winning management business, Sterling Services, Inc., have launched a new company, Sterling Re- modeling and Restoration. The new com- pany will provide carpentry and remodel- ing services from Newton to Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. “We provide three primary services to condo complexes: Carpentry—decks, siding, and windows; roof rejuvenation via a national firm called Roof Maxx; and insurance remodeling after the emergen- cy services are completed,” David Levy says. The company is the first authorized Roof Maxx dealer in the MetroWest Bos- ton area. Sterling’s carpentry crews, he says, “are available to help board members and management companies provide a creative solution to the vexing chal- lenges of tight budgets and aging siding and decks.” The new company, based in Holliston, Massachusetts, can be found at The Levys operated their property management company for more than three decades before selling it to BRIGS, LLC. Sterling Services, Inc. served 45 communities and 4,400 homes, with 25 employees in Massachusetts’ MetroW- est and Blackstone Valley regions. “With Sterling winning the first-ever Manage- ment Company of the Year for New Eng- PULSE land, then BRIGS winning the very next Residential Manager (ARM) credentials setts; Julie Moulder, property manager of year, this created an opportunity to create through the Institute of Real Estate Man- a truly special condo management firm,” agement (IREM): Penny Brady, property and Lisa Carinelli, property manager of David Levy says. Peabody Properties Managers Earn IREM Credentials Three members of the Peabody Prop- erties team recently earned Accredited property manager for western Massachu- manager of Melville Towers in New Bed- ford; Michelle Archer, senior property Retirement Homes in Melrose. The com- manager for the greater Boston area; Car- oline Rayner, administrative assistant at also announced that Susanna Curreri, se- Braintree Village; Maritza Matos-Alicea, nior manager for the greater Boston area, Linwood Mill Apartments in Whitinsville; the Levi Gould Building at Congregational pany, based in Braintree, Massachusetts, continued on page 12