Page 6 - New England Condominium August 2020
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6 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM   -AUGUST 2020   NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM  Greater Boston’s Full Service    Condominium & Property Management Firm  617-202-3815  |  •   Competitive Customized Rates!    100% Transparency!  •  •   No Unnecessary Fees!   Guaranteed Communication!   •  other carriers that were a little less aggressive   in their verbiage are going to have to see how   the claims come across the table and deter-  mine how to resolve them.”  Wayne Dow, also a partner with JSG In-  surance, sees some uncertainty in how carri-  ers are reacting and will react to the current   situation. “In my experience, for insurance   carriers it’s always been a matter of looking at  corporations, especially in urban settings   the coverage. Look at the facts of the claim,  where property tends to be more vertical   try to make it fit the coverage, and then figure  than horizontal,  another  insurance  compli-  out the response at that point. I don’t think  cation raises its head: lack of rent payments   the carriers are sitting in their offices trying to  from non-resident sources. In other words, a   figure out how to disclaim coverage. I believe  restaurant on the ground floor that normally   this pandemic has been something that obvi-  ously no one expected or accounted for. In my  month, covering a substantial portion of the   discussions with carriers, they view this as a  community’s operating budget, has slowed   new situation. And I think everyone is trying  down—or closed down entirely—as a re-  to remain calm and try and figure out what  sult of the pandemic. Many businesses carry   claims are going to look like, how they’re go-  ing to come in, and how they should be mea-  sured.”  Carrier Response  Four months into the pandemic, claims   are beginning to come in—and policyhold-  ers are beginning to see what considerations   insurance companies are taking with respect   to existing policies and COVID-19. “We’re   expecting an influx of claims,” says Flem-  ing, “but truthfully, what I’ve been saying for   the last few months is that right now we are   ‘pregnant’ with claims, but in a symbolic nine   months we’re actually going to give birth to   those claims. To date, we haven’t seen CO-  VID-related claims come through in bulk.   What we’re seeing more of right now is on the   commercial side of  things—business inter-  ruption and workers comp-type claims.”  According to Fleming, “We are expecting   to see claims that struggle to prove causation,   that basically maintain that they believe the   insured contracted the virus at a community   location, in one of the amenities. We believe   carriers are going to have a very direct re-  sponse to those claims.”  For his part, Dow stresses that “as phased   reopening continues, you may start to see   those  claims  develop,  but  I  think  it’s  going   to be one of those issues where we may see   a ‘shotgun’ approach. Carriers are going to be   seeing all kinds of stuff—from discrimina-  tion claims to harassment in the actual cases   themselves. And it’s at that point when I think   insurers are going to sit back and look at these   claims. I’m sure they’ve looked at their cov-  erage forms and tried to figure out exactly   how best to respond, but there’s going to be a   measured response by all carriers on all lines   of coverage affected by this. I think because   of the fact that things aren’t completely open   in some locations, and the possible ramifica-  tions of events in those that have opened, we   haven’t yet seen exactly what we’re going to be   looking at in terms of claims.”  Fleming adds that “there’s already some   pretty  specific  verbiage in most  general  li-  ability policies talking about virus, bacterial   pathogen, and biohazard exposure, and the   exclusion of defense. So in the absence of that,   there are some other caveats that carriers are   going to that indicate that they are really go-  ing to dig in their heels. At the end of the day,   if somebody says, ‘hey, I contracted the virus   at the community amenity,’ it’s going to be dif-  ficult for them to prove that that actually oc-  curred, unless they lived in a bubble with no   one else and went only to that amenity.”  Non-Health-Related Claims  For some condo associations  and co-op   pays  the association or  co-op $40,000  per   what’s called business interruption insurance   to  cover  their  rent  in  this  possibility.  Many   landlords also carry rent interruption insur-  ance. But what if the insurer won’t pay?  Fleming says that right now, it’s a difficult   gray area. “It all depends on triggers. This is   interruption coverage. It’s in there, it’s on the   policy. Only problem is getting to it. All that’s   needed is the proper key to unlock the poli-  cy benefits. The insured must show that the   event is a cause of loss. Without that cause of   loss, we struggle to get access to that coverage.   I actually read an article yesterday morning   about how lawsuits from insureds versus in-  surance carriers are in the hundreds, because   they’re trying to trigger that business income   coverage. Businesses are saying they have the   coverage. They’re claiming all sorts of trig-  gers, whether it’s civil authority, or just the   existence of COVID, the state not allowing   them to open—all of these situations. They’re   saying these events should have triggered the   business income coverage; the carriers are   saying, ‘no, we don’t see the trigger.’”  Both Dow and Fleming say they expect to   see a growing—and consistent—level of resis-  tance on the part of insurance carriers to all   kinds of insurance claims for the foreseeable   future.   Clearly, condominium and homeowners   associations and co-op corporations  are at risk   of getting caught in the middle of this poten-  tial legal morass. Whether an insurance claim   results from an individual claiming to have   contracted the virus through some perceived   negligence on the part of the association or   corporation, or as a result of civil action that   closed down a business whose monthly rent   represents  an  important  component  in  the   community’s financial and operational plans,   it’s ultimately the unit owners or shareholders    left holding the bag. An already tense and dif-  ficult situation may be made even worse by   competing self-interests.                                     n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter for   New England Condominium, and a published   novelist.   INSURANCE...  continued from page 1

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