Page 2 - New England Condominium March 2020
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2 NEW ENGLAND CONDOMINIUM -MARCH 2020 NEWENGLANDCONDO.COM around all penetra5ons. Drip Edge to be sealed at the top edge with a 9-‐inch strip of Winterguard aeer installa5on. HAVE YOU RECEIVED A BID THAT RAISED A... FLEXIBILITY: Our project managers work with clients, adapting and re-engineering to keep you on budget, helping to avoid unnecessary change orders OVERSIGHT: In addition to having a construction supervisor on every job, Bryan Kelly, Owner, attends onsite meetings weekly FIRST CALL FOR A SECOND BID 888-KELLY-11 508-958-2196 A favorite for quality and value since 1989 Fully licensed and insured in New England. RED FLAG? Having doubts? Make us your ROOFING · WINDOWS · SIDING · DECKING · MASONRY CONDOMINIUM DIVISION Building Envelope Replacement Specifica5ons, Material Quan55es nvelope Replacement Specifica5ons, Material Quan55es nvelope Replacement Specifica5ons, Material Quan55es Remove Roof Deck Sheathing to allow for the Installa5on of New Baffles, Close Off Opening from Hix Vent and Install New 5/8" emove Roof Deck Sheathing to allow for the Installa5on of New Baffles, Close Off Opening from Hix Vent and Install New 5/8" emove Roof Deck Sheathing to allow for the Installa5on of New Baffles, Close Off Opening from Hix Vent and Install New 5/8" emove Roof Deck Sheathing to allow for the Installa5on of New Baffles, Close Off Opening from Hix Vent and Install New 5/8" emove Roof Deck Sheathing to allow for the Installa5on of New Baffles, Close Off Opening from Hix Vent and Install New 5/8" Building E and Pricing (30 x Homes & 1 x Pumphouse) R R R R Building E Installa5on of new DCI Smart Baffle -‐ assumed 16" OC Roof Framing (3) Remove and dispose of exis5ng Roof shingles and install new square). "Hurricane Nailing Paaern" -‐ 6 nails per shingle Required. Shingle paaern as per manufacturer's specifica5ons. Includes ridge vent, starter shingles, etc... Reference the include roof specifica5ons for all details. (4) Membrane flashing detail on Roof Deck: CertainTeed WinterGuard (Material Only). 3 x 36" Courses w/ proper overlaps at Eaves, 3' at Rakes behind the new PVC Rakes, 2 x 36" courses with proper overlaps at Valleys, 3' at Ridge, 18" on deck at wall transi5ons, 3' at Hips, 18" around all penetra5ons. Drip Edge to be sealed at the top edge with a 9-‐inch strip of Winterguard aeer installa5on. FLAG? FLAG? BID FORM CONDOMINIUM: Building Envelope Replacement Specifica5ons, Material Quan55es and Pricing (30 x Homes & 1 x Pumphouse)s & 1 x Pumphouse)s & 1 x Pumphouse) and Pricing (30 x Home and Pricing (30 x Home (A). ROOFING SPECIFICATION (1)1) ( Remove Roof Deck Sheathing to allow for the Installa5on of New Baffles, Close Off Opening from Hix Vent and Install New 5/8" CDX Sheathing (4' at Eaves) Installa5on of new DCI Smart Baffle -‐ assumed 16" OC Roof Framingtalla5on of new DCI Smart Baffle -‐ assumed 16" OC Roof Framing Ins Remove and dispose of exis5ng Roof shingles and install new emove and dispose of exis5ng Roof shingles and install new R Ask our references! 10-20% ON BUILDING ENVELOPE PROJECTS LOWER PRICES!