Page 4 - New England Condominium January 2020
P. 4

 -JANUARY 2020  
Wed., January 8, 2020 
IREM: Real Estate Networking & Economic  
Forecast Luncheon 
Hilton Boston/Dedham 
25 Allied Drive 
Dedham, MA  
11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
Madeline Winship, Senior Research Analyst at  
Yardi Matrix, will be keynote speaker at this  
event, which will also include new member  
installation and recognition of past presidents.  
For details, visit 
Thurs., January 9, 2020 
CAI-CT: Jump Start January 
Far Mill River Condominium Association 
8 Meeting House Road 
Stratford, Connecticut 
10:30 am - 2:00 pm 
For managers, this event includes two educa- 
tion components and lunch. Service providers  
are welcome to enjoy lunch with Connecticut  
Community Association Managers, and may  
also choose to attend the education compo- 
nents before and/or after lunch. Register at 
Sat., January 18, 2020 
Family Design Day: Skyscraper Challenge 
BSA Space 
290 Congress St., Boston 
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.  
The Boston Society of Architects presents an  
event for parents and children aged 5 – 13.  
Boston, home to the Hancock and Prudential  
towers, is taking steps to elevate the city’s sky- 
line. But how tall can architects and engineers  
actually build? Learn more about the architec- 
ture, science, and art behind what keeps the  
world’s tallest buildings standing, and use a  
kit of parts to design and build your own sky- 
scraper! Learn more at 
Tues., January 28, 2020  
CAI-NE: New England Management  
Company/CEO Forum 
Residence Inn by Mariott 
80 B St., Needham, MA 
Time: TBD 
This luncheon forum sponsored by the New  
England Chapter of Community Associations  
Institute is open to management company  
owners, presidents and senior executives. For  
more information, see 
Industry Pulse 
Awards & Appointments 
Pellegrino Honored by IREM 
Linda Pellegrino, senior vice president  
at Rockport Mortgage Corp. was recently  
named Professional Woman of the Year by  
the Institute of Real Estate Management’s  
(IREM) New England Chapter #4. 
The Professional Woman of the Year  
Award was established in 2014 to cel- 
ebrate the extraordinary accomplishments  
of women in the real estate industry who  
demonstrate outstanding leadership quali- 
ties, as well as the exceptional commitment  
to their careers, their communities and the  
industry at large. The award was announced  
at IREM’s annual dinner in early December. 
In nominating Pellegrino for this presti- 
gious award, Gregg Jenner, senior regional  
manager of the Simon Cos. and a past pres- 
ident of the Boston Chapter of IREM, said,  
“Linda has  restructured, preserved  and  
changed the lives of families living in more  
than 134 developments. She is responsible  
for over $1 billion of refinancing proceeds  
and the preservation and revitalization of  
housing developments throughout New  
England.  Her  work  has  greatly  improved  
living conditions for so many.” 
Pellegrino joined Rockport Mortgage in  
2002 and is responsible for the origination  
and structuring of HUD-insured mortgage  
loans, with a concentration in the recapital- 
ization and preservation of affordable hous- 
ing communities. 
Industry News 
Barkan Adds to Management Portfolio 
 Barkan Management Co. recently con- 
tinued its expansion in the New England  
region with new management  contracts  
at Hammondswood at Chestnut Hill, in  
Newton, Massachusetts, and the Villages  
on Mount Hope Bay in Tiverton, Rhode  
Barkan assumed management of Ham- 
mondswood at Chestnut Hill, a 59-unit  
condominium community of two-and  
three-bedroom units,  this summer.  Ac- 
count executive John Thiboutot, CMCA, is  
responsible for the day-to-day operations  
with the support of assistant property man- 
ager Meghan Wilson. 
The seven member board of directors  
at the Villages on Mount Hope Bay, a 187- 
unit community located at 120 Schooner  
Dr., tapped Barkan in May to resume full- 
service  management.  Barkan  had  man- 
aged the community from 2010-2017.  Vice  
president Jerry Meaney (assisted by general  
manager Meghan Ostroff on site) will over- 
see the operations of this community of  
townhomes and mid-rise condominiums  
overlooking the scenic Sakonnet River. 
“We are thrilled to add these two com- 
munities to our condominium manage- 
ment portfolio,” said Meaney, adding that  firms. 
the company now counts 133 contracts to- 
taling 16,400 units in three New England  1990, and is a long-standing member of  
states. “Barkan has an impressive track re- 
cord of success in meeting the diverse needs  In addition, she’s a member of REIC (Real  
of condominium Board members and unit  Estate Institute of Canada), and BOMA  
owners; we are very proud of our many long  (Building Owners and Managers’ Associa- 
client relationships. As has been true for 38  tion) Canada, having served both organiza- 
years, a commitment to our clients is our  tions on their respective national board of  
singular focus.” 
Peabody Properties Adds Amherst and  
Sharon Communities  
Peabody Properties continues to expand  ence,  and  we  will  encourage  people  of  all  
its portfolio of communities under its man- 
agement,  having  assumed  daily operations  and ages to come join us in this dynamic  
and  management responsibilities  for  both  profession that I have come to love so much.” 
Clark House in Amherst, Mass., and Stony  
Brook Court in Sharon, Mass. Both commu- 
nities  also  represent  the  first  management  CCIM, president at Watts Realty Co., AMO®,  
project with each property owner.  
Clark House, owned by Clark Housing  tary/Treasurer George Griffin III, CPM®,  
Management, LLC, is a senior and family  CCIM, vice president at Houston Housing  
community of 100 apartment homes with a  Authority, AMO®, in Houston, Texas.  
mix of one, two, and three bedrooms. Ame- 
nities include open and airy, maintenance- 
free living amid beautifully landscaped  
Stony Brook Court, owned by South Nor- 
folk Elderly Housing Services, Inc., is a senior  
living community of 98 apartment homes,  
all one-bedroom and featuring bright living  
spaces and outdoor patios with grills. Stony  
Brook Court also offers a spacious commu- 
nity room, on-site Resident Service Coordi- 
nator, and on-site parking.  
“We are excited to welcome these new  
communities  to  the  Peabody  family,”  said  
Melissa Fish-Crane, COO of Peabody Prop- 
erties. “Both Stony Brook Court and Clark  
House  offer  their  residents  wonderful  life- 
style choices, and we are proud to work with  
the owners of these communities to see that  
these services are continued and enhanced.” 
Canadian to Head IREM’s 2020 Leadership  
Cheryl Gray, CPM®, of Toronto, Canada,  
has assumed the role of president of the In- 
stitute of Real Estate Management for 2020.  
She is the first IREM president from outside  
the U.S. 
Gray  is  head  of  special  projects,  opera- 
tional excellence, at Vancouver-based Qua- 
dReal Property Group, providing strategic  
leadership and support of initiatives that  
help QuadReal achieve its operational goals.  
In 2018, Gray launched QuadReal’s Digi- 
tal Innovation initiative to encourage and  
implement innovative technology to create  
long-term  value  in  the  built  environment.  
Before joining QuadReal, she held several  
leadership positions at Bentall Kennedy.  
She’s also held senior management positions  
at a number of major Canadian real estate  
Gray earned her CPM® designation in  
IREM’s International Management Board.  
“I’m excited about my role as president,  
and we have big plans for 2020,” says Gray.  
“We’ll continue to expand our global pres- 
backgrounds, nationalities, races, genders,  
Installed along with Gray are 2020 Pres- 
ident-Elect W.A. “Chip” Watts IV, CPM®,  
in Birmingham, Alabama, and 2020 Secre- 
Condos Slated for Boston Community  
 Residents of Boston’s South End ex- 
pressed  concern  in  December  over  thesale  
of the Harriet Tubman House, home to a  
multi-service community organization, to  
development firm New Boston Ventures, ac- 
cording to the  
Boston Globe. 
United South End Settlements (USES)  
found itself in serious financial straits,  
prompting the sale of the building and fears  
by neighbors of the development of high- 
priced condominiums. New Boston Ven- 
tures, the  
 reported, does plan to con- 
vert the building into condos — but says the  
building will include some space for a com- 
munity center as well as  11 units of afford- 
able artist housing. 
Some neighbors, however, said the site  
was originally sold to USES by the city for  
use as a community center, and that the  
commitment to low-income residents in the  
increasingly wealthy area should be hon- 
ored, according to the  
“The center serves a function which Bos- 
ton needs to support—a place where diverse  
individuals can seek the education, support  
and neighborhood relations that are critical  
to the life of a city,” wrote Massachusetts Av- 
enue resident Lloyd Fillion in a letter to the  
BPDA opposing the sale. “What the South  
End does not need are more market-rate  
The discussion was slated to continue at  
upcoming hearings before the Boston Plan- 
ning and Development Agency.                    
Please submit Pulse items to 
Pat Gale at
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