Page 6 - New England Condominium January 2020
P. 6

 -JANUARY 2020  
Staff Safety 101 
Protecting Employees in Your Building 
With few exceptions, most multifam- 
ily buildings or communities have at least  performing servicing and maintenance  nance workers, window cleaners, security  LLP  cites a large  employer that  devoted  
one or two staff members (and some- 
times many more) who maintain the  training in the control of hazardous en- 
safety, security, cleanliness, mechanical  ergy.  It  is  their  employer’s  responsibility  
operations, and day-to-day functions that  to ensure the workers are trained on the  retirement planning, wage negotiations,  training on boiler operations. Full-length  
residents and visitors rely on. But who en- 
sures the safety and security of the staff  offers free, confidential onsite safety and  provides  its  members,  32BJ  offers  more  quarterly. Some of the most popular of- 
themselves? What systems and protocols  health consultation services.” More infor- 
are in place to address how employees can  mation is available at 
keep themselves—and each other—safe  
on the job?  
New England Condominium 
  to ensure that OSHA standards are fol- 
went behind the acronyms to find out. 
Workplaces throughout the  United  ous hazards and to inform OSHA when  pass a series of training courses certifying  conditions on your property is to keep  
States and its territories are subject to the  they believe an employer is not compli- 
Occupational Safety and Health Admin- 
istration (OSHA), overseen by the U.S.  drop-in inspections only when there is an  rope skills. 
Department  of  Labor.  According  to  the  imminent or obvious hazard, an injury or  
OSHA website, “OSHA creates and en- 
forces regulatory standards that require  tative files a complaint. 
certain precautions to be taken in order to  
ensure the safety and health of workers.”   
 OSHA regulations are  the  primary  on-site,” says Kate Ferranti of SEIU Lo- 
worker safety  statutes  in  the  U.S.,  says  cal 32BJ, the Service Employees Interna- 
Matthew Persanis, a partner with Elefante  tional Union, which represents  building  managers can benefit from health and  problem an association can run into is if  
& Persanis, LLP, a labor, employment,  workers throughout the Mid-Atlantic and  safety training to avoid accidents, and  it  misclassifies someone,” explains Clif- 
and real estate law firm in Scarsdale, New  New England. “They can inspect a condo  any such training plans are determined  ford  J.  Treese,  CIRMS,  president of  As- 
York, who is also labor counsel to a num- 
ber of employer associations. “If a build- 
ing complies with OSHA regulations, they  lack of training or if a hazardous condi- 
are complying with what they need to.” 
 Part of keeping employees safe is mak- 
ing sure they’re properly trained for the  
tasks expected of them. According to  Manager of  Program Development  for  charge at various locations throughout  ers’ compensation, there’s a front-end  
an  OSHA spokesperson,  “Property staff  the 32BJ Training Fund, the union has  the jurisdictions of its membership, as  premium that’s rated retrospectively. The  
must have training appropriate for the  more than 175,000 members, making it  well as online. The Training Fund will  association must provide its payroll info  
types of jobs and tasks they are perform- 
ing. If they work on electrical equipment,  the United States. Nearly 20,000 of those  ing  if  the  circumstances  warrant it.  For  the workers’ compensation policy year,  
they need to be qualified. If they work  members  work in Massachusetts,  Rhode  example, Robert Sparer, a partner with  it could turn out that, were an employee  
with chemicals, they need to be trained in  Island, and New Hampshire, and  include  the New York-based labor and employ- 
the safe use of those chemicals. If they are  cleaners, doormen, porters, mainte- 
on equipment, it is possible they will need  guards, superintendents, and theater and  an entire floor of one of their buildings  
hazards to which they are exposed. OSHA  and collective advocacy that the union  courses run for 11 weeks and are offered  
 It is the responsibility of the employer  multiemployer Training Fund—many of  trol, and Electricity Basics. 
lowed and maintained; it is the respon- 
sibility  of  the  employee  to  call  out  seri- 
ant. OSHA compliance officers perform  job, such as suspended scaffold safety and  beyond just doing the right thing for the  
fatality, or if a worker or worker represen- 
“OSHA’s role is to enforce the rules  volved to some degree in upholding and  compensation and employer’s liability in- 
that apply to any work being performed  advocating for better, safer conditions for  surance; the association must apply the  
if there is a history of accidents there, or  by the individual residential buildings. If  sociation Data, Inc. in Mountain House,  
if an employee files a complaint regarding  the employees are participants in the 32BJ  California. “For example, a clerical class  
tion exists.”  
According  to  James  Barry,  Senior  
the largest property workers’ union in  even set up  remote  locations  for  train- 
stadium workers. 
In addition to the healthcare benefits,  as part of their employee use and safety  
than  200  educational  courses  and  certi- 
fications through its jointly administered  Buildings, CPR/AED, Air Pollution Con- 
which have a strong safety-related com- 
ponent. To be qualified as a  window  
cleaner, for example, a candidate must  son for insisting on and maintaining safe  
them to carry out different aspects of the  people from getting hurt, period. But  
 In fact, safety is such a tremendously  and legal angles to the equation as well.  
important factor in any residential op- 
eration that unions are nearly always in- 
workers and residents alike. According to  correct class codes that correspond to  
Ferranti, “All staff members and property  the role of the person hired. “The biggest  
Training Fund, there are classes that in- 
clude significant content on training, in- 
cluding Industrial Training.”  
 The 32BJ courses are offered free of  come with a higher premium. With work- 
ment law firm Clifton Budd & DeMaria,  
to erect a mock-up of a boiler to serve  
ferings include Fire Safety for Residential  
 Insurance Considerations  
 Of course, the main, overarching rea- 
right reasons, there are some financial  
If your association has its own employees,  
it’s not enough to simply have worker’s  
when it’s actually a maintenance person  
walking around with a hammer and saw  
in their hand—a class code which would  
and job classification, and at the end  of  
continued on page 16 

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