There’s So Much to Learn At the May 20th Condo Expo!

There’s So Much to Learn

The world of community association living is constantly changing, as new technologies, new laws, and new ideas arrive on the scene. Whether you’re a homeowner, a board member, or a community association professional, you know it’s important to keep up with these changes. And there’s no better place to do that than at the New England Condo Expo!

On Tuesday, May 20, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. service providers and professionals in every aspect of condominium life will gather at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. It’s a great opportunity to meet these professionals, see what new products and services are available for communities and attend educational seminars presented by experts in the condominium field.

The seminars at our sixth annual Expo will cover everything from super liens to community disputes, amending your house rules and bylaws to dealing with pests in your condo or HOA community. The lineup includes: “Default: Examining Lien Enforcement, Foreclosures and the "Super Lien Law" — What You Need to Know,” presented by attorneys from Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks; ”Pets, Poop & Pot -- Neighborly Disputes,” presented by the law office of Goodman, Shapiro & Lombardi; “Breaking Bad - The Insiders Guide to Bylaws & Rules.” “Roaches, Bedbugs & Mice - Oh My!” and “Secrets to a Successful, Efficient & Productive Board,” all sponsored by New England Condominium. See seminar schedule in the full pullout guide.

The seminars tend to attract standing-room-only audiences so make plans to arrive early for an information-packed day..

Go Home with Solutions

Vendor booths and a full schedule of seminars may be the big draws to the Expo, but that’s just the tip of the Expo picture.

You can stop by the Free Advice tables to chat one-on-one with a variety of condominium professionals, and gather an armload of information to take back to your community. And throughout the day, random drawings will be held for a host of valuable door prizes; past attendees have gone home with tickets to professional sporting events, televisions, certificates for valuable condo and HOA services, and even vacation packages!

$2,500 Reserve Fund Giveaway

Among the day’s most popular offerings is the Reserve Fund prize giveaway, courtesy of New England Condominium and Yale Robbins Publications, LLC. One attendee at the Expo will win a $2,500 contribution to their building or association's reserve fund. The winner will be drawn at random after registration has closed, and a check for the winnings will be made payable to the winner’s association, care of their management company.

Only board members qualify to enter the reserve fund drawing, and attendance at the Expo is required for eligibility. For complete details on how to enter the reserve fund drawing, visit the Expo website,

For up-to-the minute information on who is exhibiting at the show, to sign up as an exhibitor, or to register for this one-of-a-kind event, visit We look forward to seeing you at the Seaport World Trade Center on May 20!    

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