Q We have an owner in our condominium association who is several months behind in
his fees. He currently has a tenant in his unit. The association pays the bill
for his water, sewage, pool and other amenities. Do we as an association have
the right to take any of these amenities away from the renter, and would it be
possible to have the renter pay his monthly rent to the association until the
delinquency is resolved?
—Aggrieved Tenant
A "The answer will depend entirely on what your state's laws,” says attorney Adam Cohen of the Bridgeport, Conn. law firm of Pullman & Comley, LLC, “and your association's declaration and bylaws, say on these subjects. Most states strictly regulate how and when utilities can be turned off to a
residence for nonpayment, especially one occupied by someone other than the
person responsible to pay the bills. Denying non-essential privileges such as pool access may be easier but might at
least require that the board hold a hearing and invite the owner and possibly
the tenant to be heard first. Claiming the tenant's monthly rental payment would almost certainly require a
court-approved garnishment order in any state. Unless your association's governing documents or statutes give the board broader
powers, the best strategy for your situation would probably be to foreclose the
unit itself for unpaid fees and work closely with the association's attorney to
make sure any related remedies are carefully considered and properly
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