CHP (combined heat and power) is a marriage of electric generation and thermal power—the use of an engine, usually gas-fueled, to simultaneously generate electricity and heat. It can be done on a grand scale, as in manufacturing, hospit…

CHP (combined heat and power) is a marriage of electric generation and thermal power—the use of an engine, usually gas-fueled, to simultaneously generate electricity and heat. It can be done on a grand scale, as in manufacturing, hospit…
Utility submetering is the implementation of a system that allows a condominium association or other multi-tenant property to bill tenants for individual measured utility usage by making use of individual water, gas, or electricity met…
There are many reasons for “going green” in a residential community, starting with the goal of shrinking the carbon footprint and decreasing dependence on fossil fuels. But the real reason a condominium complex or HOA seeks sustainable …
As the ideas of energy efficiency and “green” buildings keep growing, associations and managers often want to know which energy-efficient improvements make the most sense for their buildings—it might be compact fluorescent lights, energy…
“Sue” is a retired professional who is well-to-do, rarely eats at home and has lived in her condo for decades. While everything seems perfect from the outside, Sue is the keeper of a dirty little secret. When the unit above he…
Actors Dustin Hoffman and Broadway composer-lyricist Stephen Sondheim call it home. The late actress Marilyn Monroe did, too, when she was married to the late playwright Arthur Miller. And actor and comedian Denis Leary lives here too, …
Living in a condominium community means working together. Cooperation and a spirit of volunteerism are visible every day in community gatherings, board meetings, even in the scheduling of time on the tennis courts. The men and women wh…
Hoarding can be best defined as the collection of materials to the point where an individual’s quality of life and overall functionality of their living space is diminished. And if you’re like many Americans, then what you know about ho…
Q We have an owner in our condominium association who is several months behind in his fees. He currently has a tenant in his unit. The association pays the bill for his water, sewage, pool and other amenities. Do we as an association ha…
Q I own a condo and I would like to change the weight restriction of a pet (dog) from 8 pounds (unrealistic) to maybe 35 pounds--maybe just to owners with dogs, not to renters. How do I do that? What is my first step? Can I send out let…
Q My condo board has given notice to a maintenance increase for this year after a five-year assessment, which is to expire next year. If an owner has several combined units and has incorporated the common hallway usage for their persona…