
Late on August 26, 2021, in a 6-3 unsigned decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lacks the authority to impose a nationwide moratorium on evictions. While State restrictions may still app…
As we all know - and are probably sick of hearing at this point - the past year has been a time like no other. Many of us who regularly work in offices have been working from home, many for the first time. Does that qualify us for the same…
The first seven months of 2020 have been difficult and uncertain for our country. With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all navigating uncharted waters and doing our best to adapt. Amid this unprecedented challenge, racial ten…
COVID-19 has caused more far-ranging, persistent anxiety than any other event in recent history. It has affected our jobs, our living situations, and the way we interact with others, and it’s not done with us yet. Scientists and public heal…
As some states continue phased reopening of their economies and social spaces, and others are forced to backtrack as coronavirus cases spread, the question on every board member and property manager’s mind these days is how their own commun…
As the COVID crisis has evolved, and states have moved into different phases of reopening, swimming pools and other aquatic amenities have been flashpoints for some of the biggest, most contentious questions around reopening (or not) common…
The Community Associations Institute (CAI) has compiled a digest of government action resources (including clickable links) to help multifamily communities navigate the process of reopening their amenities and common areas now that the fede…
According to a recent press release, the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) reports that more than half (53%) of multifamily developers polled for the third edition of the organization’s COVID-19 Construction Survey reported constr…
Beginning May 26, 2020, employers who are required to keep Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) injury and illness logs [which according to OSHA’s website include ‘facilities support services’ and ‘services to buildings and dwellings’ …