T he third annual New England Condo Expo will showcase over 120 exhibitors from all over New England when the day-long event returns to the Seaport World Trade Center at 200 Seaport Boulevard in Boston on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. …

T he third annual New England Condo Expo will showcase over 120 exhibitors from all over New England when the day-long event returns to the Seaport World Trade Center at 200 Seaport Boulevard in Boston on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. …
In dayswhen amusement parks were focused on leisure rather than heart-stopping rides, features like halls of mirrors, fun houses and animated fortune tellers were standard fare. Drop a coin in the slot, and the mechanical prognosticator…
Consumer and privacy advocates heralded Massachusetts for the March passage of the nation’s strictest law yet on data security. But in the months since, many of those charged with carrying out the law – including condominiums and proper…
Visible – and armed – security is routine in places where terrorism is predictable. Israelis pass guards daily at building entrances, coffee shops and restaurants, and shop entrances. Life is simpler in New England, though not…
When safety or security lapses occur in a community association setting, the assigning of blame will often cast managers and board members in a bad light, and can also result in major lawsuits. But many common lapses can be ea…
A proposal to ban federal lenders from purchasing mortgages in condos with deed-based transfer fees has community association leaders worried the ruling would lead to diminished operating budgets and severe disruption of the condo mark…
Like all towns in Vermont, Bennington is small. Lesser known than its peers, Burlington and Brattleboro, Bennington is often called the “gateway” to Vermont – a position that appeals to some, but leaves others unconvinced. Benn…
Q I am a board member of a Maine condominium. One of our unit owners has consistently broken our rules, and continues to do so. What can we do to stop him? — Mandated in Maine A If everything else fails, the boardcan fi…
Q We have a owner in one of our condos that always has excessive noise. Last night around 3 a.m., the police were finally called. The owner and his roommate have been told to keep the noise level down but to no avail. Fines have also be…