Flood” might as well be synonymous with “dread.” Or “mess.” Or “insurance hassle.” Think back to the devastating footage after Hurricane Sandy, and you may have a number of questions about flood zones and flood insurance. Knowing the…

Flood” might as well be synonymous with “dread.” Or “mess.” Or “insurance hassle.” Think back to the devastating footage after Hurricane Sandy, and you may have a number of questions about flood zones and flood insurance. Knowing the…
Ahhh, lawsuits. People suing people. Companies suing companies. People suing companies. Residents suing boards. A quick surf of the Internet and you can find many instances across the country where condo boards are sued. You can also find …
The experts who advise condo associations on insurance matters admit that the basic policies are pretty standardized and often seem to be all the same. Trustees may tend to gloss over the details and assume that anything important relative…
Say you’re in bed, and you hear what sounds like the shower going. It’s late, and you’re tired, so you pay it no mind. You wake up at 4 a.m. to get a glass of water and find half the rooms in your apartment flooded— you forgot to turn the …
Ah, the “dog days” of August—ideal for lounging around the pool, hop-scotching from air-conditioned home to air-conditioned stores and offices, or slipping away for a revitalizing vacation. Unless, of course, you happen to be a community a…
A vibrant and progressive community, Worcester is the second largest city in New England after Boston. A five-time recipient of the All-America City Award, Worcester offers its residents the resources and exciting attractions of a metropol…
Q I’m currently trying to get information on or determine what specifically a board cannot assess owners for. Our bylaws are extremely clear on what we can assess for—largely major improvements for the building. However, what can’t or sho…