With the New Year under way, New England Condominium’s 2011 Expo is quietly taking shape as this spring’s must-attend event for New England’s property managers, trustees, and unit owners. Held on Tuesday, May 24th at the Seaport…

With the New Year under way, New England Condominium’s 2011 Expo is quietly taking shape as this spring’s must-attend event for New England’s property managers, trustees, and unit owners. Held on Tuesday, May 24th at the Seaport…
These are hardly the best of times for those who manage community associations, charged as they are with overseeing financial well-being, maintenance goals, legal issues and an almost unpredictable kaleidoscope of other daily concerns, …
Job losses. Bankruptcies. Foreclosures. These are tough times for everyone, but when homeowners fall on hard times, they are often late paying condo fees. Some can’t even afford to pay them at all. Add i…
Drawing up a contract for management services looks at first glance like a simple task. Such contracts usually follow a particular format and outline similar services. But what about contract areas where there’s room for negotiation? Ho…
Most community associations have emergency preparedness plans in case of fires, floods, or hurricanes. But there’s one form of disaster that very few have an organized response for: the public relations disaster. “It’s the lac…
As recently as five years ago, traditional phone logs and Rolodexes were a common part of a property manager’s daily communications arsenal. Yet, with recent advances in condo management software, such anachronistic methods are rapidly d…
Condominium associations and their property managers have shown that, like owners of other types of buildings, they are eager to do their part to be good stewards of the health of the planet, as well as the health of the occupants of t…
Q I ran into financial difficulty a while ago and I failed to pay my regular monthly condominium fees for two months. I subsequently paid these two months of regularmonthly condominium fees, but our association board levied late payment …