Category: On The Board

Law & Legislation No Time Like the Precedent
2011 June No Time Like the Precedent

 Board members and property managers have all experienced finger pointing, in  which the accusation, “You let them do it, so I can too!” is front and center. Lawyers and property managers all too frequently see the  trouble that results wh…

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Law & Legislation New England 2011 Legislative Roundup
2011 June New England 2011 Legislative Roundup

Many of the issues contained within legislation in the 2011 session concern governance and membership rights during a time of economic stringency. They range from Maine’s regulation updates, and measures to alleviate foreclosure impacts…

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Law & Legislation “What Documents?”
2011 June “What Documents?”

After the excitement of buying a condo, homeowners may stuff the official documents in a shoebox and forget about them. Even the owners who serve on association boards may not be familiar with the documents, which include things like t…

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Owner Relations Somerville, Massachusetts
2011 Feb Somerville, Massachusetts

 Vibrant and bustling, Somerville has everything city dwellers love, want or need  within walking distance of their own front doors. But with friendly neighborhoods and a strong  sense of community pride, it’s as welcoming as any small tow…

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Owner Relations Pets Allowed!
2011 Feb Pets Allowed!

 When Marjorie Kehe moved from New York to Boston in 2003, she brought a  roommate: her black border-collie mix, Sheba. While no stranger to urban  living, Kehe was taken aback at how few Massachusetts landlords would even  consider the 25…

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Owner Relations Getting Out The Vote
2011 Feb Getting Out The Vote

 While the election format in a condominium community is pretty much the same as  for any other club or organization, property managers and board members are  looking to make the process easier and increase unit owner participation. Unit  …

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Owner Relations Handling Home-Based Businesses
2011 Feb Handling Home-Based Businesses

 As the lingering effects of the “Great Recession” continue to influence the lives of countless average Americans, more and more  displaced workers are turning to home-based businesses (HBBs) in an attempt to  reverse sagging fortunes.   …

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Owner Relations How To Get Heard
2011 Feb How To Get Heard

 As a condo owner, you’ve got a gripe. Whether it’s about Mrs. Smith’s poodle who barks all day or the neighbor’s teenaged son who blasts his Guns N’ Roses music when his parents aren’t home, you just want someone to listen and, of course,…

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Owner Relations Friend or Foe?
2011 Feb Friend or Foe?

Being elected to the condo board inserts a divisive quality into one’s relationship with their neighbors. While still a unit owner, subject to the same rules, regulations and responsibilities, a board member has made a commitment to the…

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Board Operations Legal Issues
2010 Oct Legal Issues

 Every claim by a resident that he or she needs a special accommodation in connection with a condominium’s rules, policies, or services due to an alleged handicap – whether physical or emotional – must be taken very seriously. The failure …

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