Even cavemen knew that fire was dangerous. But, ironically, we have 21st-century people blithely building fires right in the middle of their furnished, wood-filled, carpeted, upholstered and bookcase-jammed condominiums. And they want s…

Even cavemen knew that fire was dangerous. But, ironically, we have 21st-century people blithely building fires right in the middle of their furnished, wood-filled, carpeted, upholstered and bookcase-jammed condominiums. And they want s…
Edgar Dworsky is the treasurer of a small Somerville, Massachusetts condo complex that was built back in 1987. He loves where he lives except for one, quite large, problem. Water leaks have plagued the complex since it was built. Durin…
Years ago, the only remedy for uneven sidewalks or foundations was what pros in the business call “rip out and replace,” which means tearing out the old pavement slab and pouring a new one – and spending a lot of time and money doing it.…
As buildings age, small and large maintenance issues arise, and condo boards are called upon to address these situations. The questions frequently revolve around whether to use in-house staff (if the condo employs them) or to hire an o…
For many condominiums, roofing systems, siding and pavement represent their largest overall replacement burdens. Because these types of projects often require an association to either exhaust a large chunk of its existing reserves, or re…
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has drastically changed premises liability law in the Commonwealth with the issuance of its July 26, 2010 decision in the case of Papadopoulos v. Target Corporation. The Papadopoulos de…
Q I am a volunteer association board member in New Hampshire and we don’t have a management company. We have a problem with a unit owner who owes us at least $2,000 at this point. Because she is still paying her mortgage or owns her hom…