Free seminars, networking opportunitiesand a chance to get all your condo questions answered – the 2010 New England Condo Expo brings it all together, in one day, under one roof. If you’ve been trying to find solutions to ongoi…

Free seminars, networking opportunitiesand a chance to get all your condo questions answered – the 2010 New England Condo Expo brings it all together, in one day, under one roof. If you’ve been trying to find solutions to ongoi…
Worn-out or damaged common areas in community associations can hurt overall property values and send the wrong message. Of course, a newly-refurbished grand entrance and beautiful common areas that give owners bragging rights are univer…
There’s both a batch of homemade beer and a vat of homemade sauerkraut aging in the boiler room of Nubanusit Neighborhood & Farm in Peterborough, New Hampshire – and it’s not even close to Oktoberfest. The maple trees were tapped months a…
Being on a committee is no easy task. In fact, it can be downright frustrating. A three-month commitment can stretch into six months; meetings can go on forever; committee members may drift off topic; and precious, limited time can be …
For community associations facing a world of economic uncertainty, the old notion of “strength in numbers” has never felt more relevant. Because when it comes to tough problems, the associations that are able to work together and sacrif…
It’s a simple equation: Warm days plus more hours of sunshine equals an influx of residents to the community’s outdoor amenities. Suddenly, swarms of children appear at the playground, out-of-practice tennis players are getting in the s…
Use Salem, Massachusetts, in a word-association assessment, and you’d undoubtedly get a word referencing the infamous Witch Trials of 1692. Less famous but even more formative is the rich maritime history that contributed to the buildin…
Q I’m a board member of my condo in Massachusetts. We have one member of the board who is a real estate broker. Our condo owns a very small piece of land that is adjacent to another building near ours. The owner of the nearby building w…