Now in its fifth year, the New England Condo Expo has become the annual must-attend event for New England property managers, board members, real estate professionals and homeowners. Returning to the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston…

Now in its fifth year, the New England Condo Expo has become the annual must-attend event for New England property managers, board members, real estate professionals and homeowners. Returning to the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston…
Back in the day when we were little kids, playgrounds largely consisted of swing-sets, teeter-totters, some monkey bars, and maybe a metal slide or two, along with the requisite basketball hoops and tetherball set-up. Since th…
While it may be considered socially or politically correct to “go green” when embarking on new construction projects or updating an existing property to include green roofs, energy-efficient lighting or electric-friendly car ports, adop…
Call it the Ikea-fication of America. It seems that more and more people are getting interested in design, especially when it comes to their own home. In decades past, household furniture and decorations didn’t vary a whole lot. Growing…
For seven years, Mira Calton and her husband, Dr. Jayson Calton, owned a floating home, one of the 165 privately-owned residences on The World, a 644-foot yacht that continuously circumnavigates the globe. Owning a home on the yacht is…
Serving on a condo board has its challenges—mostly of a relatively mundane, everyday sort, like how to pay for new carpet in the clubhouse, or what kind of flowers to put in the new beds out front. Occasionally however, a much more sens…
Read any of the major business publications or websites and you’re bound to find articles on the importance of delegating. It’s one of the most fundamental skills for a successful business owner to have. A simple Internet search finds sc…
In buying into a condominium community and its lifestyle, the prospective owner signs a contract, agreeing to accept and uphold the community’s rules and regulations—and essentially waiving certain rights. In doing so, this buy…
When summer rolls around many New Englanders can be found at The Cape, Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard or any of the numerous beaches that are dotted along the Northeast coast. New England’s stunning water vistas are rivaled only by its …
Stairwell safety may not get front and center attention from condo associations but should not be side-stepped. In the event of a fire, it’s important for stairwells to be well lit with access to the exit. If an elderly person slips and…
Known for its links to the sea and the home port of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut sits on the banks of the Thames River, and is also home to two well-known colleges and some notable academicians, politicians and…
Q A member of our board runs to the property manager on a whim and makes him complete tasks that may or may not be approved by the board. She also knows every single detail about the homeowners’ financials in terms of how they pay and w…