Category: On The Board

Law & Legislation Admittance Denied
2009 June Admittance Denied

For many prospective co-op shareholders, finding the living space of their dreams is only half the goal. The other half involves making the cut before the co-op’s admittance committee, meeting all of the seemingly mysterious criteria th…

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Law & Legislation Legal Briefs
2009 May Legal Briefs

 There seem to be at least two contrasting views of expensive community  association recreational amenities – one that’s favorable, and another that’s cautiously skeptical. The first view is generally held by a minority of a  condominium’s…

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Owner Relations Concord, New Hampshire
Concord, New Hampshire

A poster representing New England could well feature Concord, New Hampshire as its pictorial theme. Rich in history and culture, Concord is a small city of approximately 42,000 people surrounded by the rugged beauty of unspoiled New En…

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Owner Relations Watch that Dial!
Watch that Dial!

 A funny thing happened when the auto industry embracedthe digital age a few years ago, and installed electronic displays in luxury cars so that drivers were confronted with the engine’s fuel consumption in miles per gallon—in immediate nu…

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Owner Relations Taking Stock
Taking Stock

 In this period of rising energy costs—not to mention the environmental threat of carbon emissions—community associations have a golden opportunity to realize substantial energy  savings for their residents.    Since the association…

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Owner Relations Keeping Watch
Keeping Watch

On a cold winter night, a bone-chilling wind whips through the New Hampshire condominium community, pounding against windows and seeking entrance to homes through the tiniest of openings. More than a thousand miles away, the o…

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Owner Relations Top 10 Leadership Traits
Top 10 Leadership Traits

Perhaps you are entertaining the thought of running for your association board presidency. Or maybe by altruistic desire, default or coercion, you already find yourself wearing that hat. Are you up for the challenge? What lead…

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Owner Relations Staying out of Court
Staying out of Court

That very sentiment, penned by our 16th president, is just as relevant today as it was when written in the 1850s. Lincoln, like many experts in the field of law, would likely favor and encourage a different option – alternative dispute …

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